Being Anti-Racist: ACT
Everyday Exclusions
Everyday exclusions are the everyday insults and indignities that people from underrepresented groups experience as a result of their identity.
Book onto our Everyday Exclusions: Understanding and Managing Racial Microaggressions training by searching for the course title in Develop to learn more about racial microaggressions in the workplace and how to manage them.
Bristol’s Race Equality Strategic Leaders Group
Find out about how we work with all public sector organisations as a member of Bristol’s Race Equality Strategic Leaders Group to collectively tackle race inequality across the city.
Ethnicity Pay Reporting
As part of our wider commitment to improve the representation of minority ethnic people across our workforce, we have developed and published Ethnicity Pay Gap Reports.
Being Anti-Racist: ACT (Awareness, Change, Transform)
Our Being Anti-Racist: ACT (Awareness, Change, Transform) is a blend of in-person and self-directed learning that aims to raise awareness of how each of us must work together to dismantle individual, cultural, and institutional manifestations of racism. The programme runs annually, expanding the change cohort that we have already established of colleagues who are becoming equipped to actively oppose racism themselves.
The Being Anti-Racist: ACT programme is designed to help participants develop a greater understanding of how each of us has a crucial role in tackling racism.
Being Anti-Racist: ACT – LECTURE SERIES
Our lecture series is part of the central EDI Team’s Being Anti-Racist: ACT development programme for staff and PGRs. These lectures seek to compliment and develop upon the learnings and themes explored in the main programme, working in parallel to continually help participants develop their understanding of what it means to be anti-racist in a work context, and beyond.
Our most recent lecture, ‘Leading individual and institutional anti-racism', featured Professor Udy Archibong, Professor of Diversity and Pro-Vice-Chancellor of EDI at the University of Bradford. In this talk, Prof. Udy Archibong discusses how leadership goes beyond titles and requires individuals to take authority over their actions.
Watch the recording of this lecture here.
I signed up to attend the Being Anti-Racist series because I wanted to learn more. I think like most people, I want to fight against racism but am not always sure what else I could be doing to make a real difference. The first talk in the series addressed some difficult and uncomfortable ideas in a very clear way. It was well structured and informative and there are some excellent follow up resources for staff to engage with.
Being Anti-Racist: ACT SharePoint
Our dedicated SharePoint site hosts a range of resources to assist participants in self-directed learning. This wealth of resources is a pivotal aspect to Being Anti-Racist: ACT – hosting recordings of talks for members who are unable to attend live events and sharing relevant resources relating to those topics.
Each lecture will be promoted on this platform, alongside resources shared by the chosen speaker. This helps participants stay up to date with the next stage in the series, and creates an ever-developing platform of resources to aid their journey to becoming anti-racist.