Access the facility
Use our facility for your next research project. Our dedicated cryo-EM services and state-of-the-art equipment are available to you for hire.
Start a consultation with an experienced member of our technical team. We welcome enquiries from all university researchers, research institutes, and companies.
Ask us about:
- starting a new project and booking a session
- experimental advice
- costing estimates
- our facility and equipment
Opening hours
We're open Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 5 pm.
Check the University dates for seasonal closure dates.
Internal bookings
University of Bristol users can submit project creation requests and book sessions using the PPMS booking system.
You need to be connected to the University network to access the PPMS system, either on-campus or using a VPN connection.
Limited Use for Collection of Initial Data (LUCID) Scheme
The University of Bristol is offering a limited allocation of complimentary cryoEM sessions to academic leaders within the GW4 region (Universities of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff, and Exeter). The objective of this program is to enable researchers who intend to integrate cryo-EM into their projects, but require initial data to showcase their feasibility for future cryo-EM grant submissions.
Learn more about eligibility and how to apply.
GW4 Cryo-EM Facility
Life Sciences Building
University of Bristol
24 Tyndall Avenue