Professor Robert Fowler
Henry Overton Wills Emeritus Professor of Greek, FBA
Prof. Fowler has published widely on early Greek poetry and prose. He is author of The Nature of Early Greek Lyric (Toronto 1987) and Early Greek Mythography (2 vols, Oxford 2000-2013), and editor of The Cambridge Companion to Homer (Cambridge 2004). He has also worked on topics in reception and the history of classical scholarship; a recent article is 'Pater and Greek Religion', in C. Martindale, S. Evangelista, E. Prettejohn, edd., Pater the Classicist: Classical Scholarship, Reception, and Aestheticism (Oxford 2017) 241-55. He is currently working on a book for Bristol's New Directions in Classics series (published by I.B. Tauris), tentatively entitled Myth and Meaning in Greek Lyric Poetry, with an emphasis on Pindar. He is a Fellow of the British Academy.