About the faculty

There are many reasons to be excited about the arts and humanities at Bristol, but close to the top of the list must be the range and quality of our offerings, from prehistoric archaeology to avant-garde cinema, all informed by the best of cutting-edge research by outstanding scholars, in a variety of educational settings and formats. We work hard to keep class sizes small and to provide the best tools for students to get the most out of their education.

The University has undertaken a major programme of investment in the Faculty, bringing its beautiful villas up to date and equipping them with the latest teaching technology. A multimedia centre for language learning has recently opened and the Arts and Social Science Library has undergone a major renovation.

Beyond the University, the city and region offer incomparable opportunities for diversion and enjoyment when you feel the need for a break from your studies. In short, this is quite simply an outstanding place to live and work. If you are a prospective student, we hope you will find much in these pages to encourage a closer look; if you are an existing student, we know you will be both challenged and rewarded by your time in the Bristol Faculty of Arts.

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