Research Degrees Examination Board

The regulations in this section cover the role of the Research Degrees Examination Board, where the authority to grant and withdraw awards sits, and the research degrees awarded at the University of Bristol.

Guidance related to these regulations

The role of the exam board

22.1. The Research Degrees Examination Board decides on awards and other outcomes for research degree examinations. Examiners’ recommendations are provisional until the Board has decided on the result.

22.2. The Board can accept, change, or reject the examiners’ recommendation. It can also require examiners to revise joint final reports and for independent chairs to revise their reports if they are incorrectly completed or insufficiently detailed.

22.3. The Board can also award degrees under the policy on failure to complete assessment for research degrees.

22.4. The Board is responsible for the policy on academic misconduct for PGR degree examinations and awards

22.5. Discussions held by the Board are confidential.

22.6. The Board will communicate its decisions to students. The Board will also send the examiners' reports to students and their supervisors once a decision has been made. Communications are normally sent within two weeks of the Board meeting.

22.7. A student can appeal against a decision of the Research Degrees Examination Board as set out in the assessment regulations.

The authority to grant and withdraw academic awards

22.8. On the recommendation of the Research Degrees Examination Board, subject to the overriding authority of Senate and the Board of Trustees, the University will grant an academic award to any person who has fulfilled all conditions prescribed for their research degree in statutes, ordinances, and regulations.

22.9. On the recommendation of Senate, the Board of Trustees can award a degree of the University as an honorary degree. An honorary degree will not however be granted if the degree denotes that the holder as being fit to practice in a professional capacity.

22.10. On the recommendation of Senate, the Board of Trustees can withdraw an academic award, distinction, or prize of the University if it is subsequently discovered that the award, distinction, or prize was improperly obtained.

22.11. On the recommendation of Senate, the Board of Trustees can accept a request from any person to resign an academic award, distinction, or prize of the University.

22.12. On the recommendation of Senate, the Board of Trustees can restore an academic award, distinction, or prize of the University to a person who has been deprived of it or who has voluntarily resigned it.

Name on certificates issued by the University

22.13. The University issues degree certificates in the student’s legal name. No subsequent changes are permitted to the name shown on the certificate except where a graduate who has undergone gender reassignment legally changes their name.

Summary of research degrees and higher doctorates

22.14. The University can award research degrees and higher doctorates as listed below.

22.15. From 1 August 2022, higher doctorates by published work are no longer open as an examined degree for new entrants. Higher doctorates continue to be awarded as honorary degrees.

Faculty of Arts

Research degrees

Doctor of Philosophy denoted by PhD
Master of Music denoted by MMus
Master of Philosophy denoted by MPhil
Master of Science by Research denoted by MScR

Higher doctorates

Doctor of Music denoted by DMus
Doctor of Letters denoted by DLitt

Faculty of Engineering

Research degrees

Doctor of Philosophy denoted by PhD
Engineering Doctorate denoted by EngD
Master of Science by Research denoted by MScR


Higher doctorates

Doctor of Engineering denoted by DEng

Faculty of Life Sciences

Research degrees

Doctor of Philosophy denoted by PhD
Doctor of Medicine denoted by MD
Master of Science by Research denoted by MScR

Higher doctorates

Doctor of Science denoted by DSc

Faculty of Health Science

Research degrees

Doctor of Philosophy denoted by PhD
Doctor of Dental Surgery denoted by DDS
Doctor of Medicine denoted by MD
Master of Science by Research denoted by MScR

Higher doctorates

Doctor of Science denoted by DSc

Faculty of Science

Research degrees

Doctor of Philosophy denoted by PhD
Master of Science by Research denoted by MScR

Higher doctorates

Doctor of Science denoted by DSc

Faculty of Social Sciences and Law

Research degrees

Doctor of Philosophy denoted by PhD
Doctor of Education denoted by EdD
Doctor of Educational Psychology denoted by DEdPsy
Master of Philosophy denoted by MPhil
Master of Science by Research denoted by MScR

Higher doctorates

Doctor of Science denoted by DSc
Doctor of Laws denoted by LLD