Arts Council England Live Art and Performance (ACELAP) Archive


What is The Arts Council England Live Art and Performance Archive?
The Arts Council England Live Art and Performance Archive (ACELAP) was made over many years by a series of individuals who had the responsibility of managing the Live Art and before that, the Performance Art, portfolio for Arts Council England. In this position they provided grants and developed strategies for supporting emerging areas of arts practice and they received examples of the work funded, its documentation, and promotional and publicity material which over time built into a substantial and valuable collection.

A brilliant representation of the development of innovative contemporary arts practice during the 1980s and 1990s in the UK, the ACELAP Archive was donated to the Theatre Collection at the University of Bristol in 2007.

What the collection holds

The archive holds material in a variety of formats, such as VHS video, audio tapes, slides, CDs, CD-ROMS, DVDs and printed matter.

Key items include:

View a List of Videos held in the ACELAP Archive (PDF, 125kB).
Please contact us if you would like further information about the ACELAP holdings, or to view any ACELAP Archive material.

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