University Enterprise Fellowships

University Enterprise Fellowships are an opportunity for academics and researchers to explore an opportunity in enterprise, entrepreneurship, and research commercialisation. What we mean by ‘enterprise’ is illustrated in this short video from the Festival of Enterprise 2022. They are intended to complement University Research and Teaching Fellowships. UEFs enable the Fellows appointed to dedicate time to explore the application of their own research or scholarship in a commercial or entrepreneurial context with clear deliverables for a period of 3-12 months within academic year 25-26. 

Prospective applicants can learn more and apply for a University Enterprise Fellowship by downloading our application form; UEF Application Form 2526 (Office document, 143kB). Applications are open for 2025-26 University Enterprise Fellowships, and close on 14th January 2025. 

Illustrative examples of the activities that an Enterprise Fellow might undertake are given below. This is not intended to be exhaustive, although we expect the outcome to have a prominent commercial dimension. 

  1. Exploration of whether an invention or technology could be patented and/or licensed 
  2. Market research of the commercial appeal of an invention, novel service or technology  
  3. Identifying target companies for a new technology and initiating contact 
  4. Attending conferences or exhibitions to identify market demand and user requirements 
  5. Running networking events, exploratory meetings or workshops with potential users  
  6. Market evaluations for exploring markets and potential partners/investors 
  7. Formulation of a business plan for a proposed new enterprise or social enterprise 

Enterprise Fellowships will provide up to £10000 to cover teaching or related duties, and up to £5000 for other costs. Fellows will have access to the support services across the University, including the Commercialisation teamImpact Development team, Partnerships team, and relevant Faculty offices for industry engagement.  

The University has several funding schemes to support commercialisation and impact projects, such as the Impact Acceleration Accounts. The focus of Enterprise Fellowships is on the person rather than the project. We want to broaden participation in enterprise activity and specifically to protect quality time for academics to explore enterprise activities. While the Fellowships do provide some funds for activities other than the member of staff’s time, they might also be used in conjunction with other forms of funding that provide for laboratory projects, consultancy services and other activities.  

Applications are invited from Pathway 1 and 3 academics from all faculties and at any career stage. All applicants must engage with their Head of School in advance of submitting an application, and agree how the £10k will be used to free up the applicant’s time such that they can carry out their fellowship. Heads of School ultimately must provide assurance that the delivery of core School functions will not be compromised by this. It would be very unusual for more than one Fellowship to be awarded per School. The University of Bristol is fully committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion. We particularly welcome applications from individuals with characteristics that are under-represented in UK university entrepreneurship.  

Costing Support

Please liaise with your Costing Specialist to support you with the Worktribe costing. This is a link to the Costing Specialist contacts in the finance pre-award team: Costing Specialist Contacts

Please create a project in Worktribe for your application and submit it for approval at least five working days before the deadline.

When creating the project in Worktribe, please follow the steps below: