Transformative Social Science

The ESRC has awarded prize funds to the University of Bristol in order to foster and encourage transformative research across the social sciences. Transformative research is defined as research at the frontiers of the social sciences, which challenges current thinking. It will involve novel and pioneering theoretical and methodological innovation, likely to involve a degree of risk.

Allocation of the funds is guided by the Transformative Social Science Steering Group, comprising:

Current schemes

Research Development Support

Purpose: Funding is available to employ a researcher for 2-8 weeks, either full or part time, to develop a fundable research project. The format of the project is flexible, however there should be a significant demonstrable outcome such as a medium-large funding bid to a named scheme.

Funding: Funding is available to cover the salary of the researcher for the duration of the project, plus project costs not normally exceeding £1,000.

Eligibility: In order to apply for funding under this scheme you should be a member of academic staff eligible to apply for ESRC funding.

Deadline: 5pm, Friday 31st March 2017

Application form (Word doc, 61KB)

Guidance notes (PDF, 81KB)


If you have any queries regarding Transformative Social Science Activities, please contact Jude Hill, Research Development Manager: