
Mwenza Blell is working on a study in primary care and has a background in biocultural anthropology. She has worked with Pakistani communities in northern England on a range of projects relating to fertility and reproduction as well as in East Africa.

Christie Cabral is working on a range of research projects relating to parents and clinicians management of children with acute cough.  Christie draws on the theory of methods of medical anthropology to understand patters of consulting and prescribing for children with cough.  Christie has a background in ethno-ecology and international development.

Helen Cramer is currently leading on a multi-site ethnographic study of hospital variation in cardiac care; a qualitative study on how best to support depressed men and exploring if group formats are useful; and a longitudinal qualitative project looking at the relationship between depression, anxiety and chest pain. Helen is also supporting an ethnographic study with Sarah Purdy (PI) and Rosemary Simmonds on heart failure and a study with Lucy Biddle and Jane Dergers on suicide.

Jane Derges is currently working on a qualitative study looking at the role of the Internet and social media, in relation to suicide practice. Jane has a background in mental health work and is interested in the experiential aspects of resilience and survival among war-affected populations, having conducting long-term fieldwork in northern Sri Lanka.

Isabel de Salis is investigating women’s experiences of the menopause with the mothers of the ALSPAC cohort study.  

Helen Lambert has done long-term fieldwork on therapeutic practices in north India and other ethnographic and qualitative research in the UK. She is interested in the application of anthropological perspectives to a range of public health issues, including:

  • HIV prevention and sexual health in vulnerable communities in South Asia, with a particular focus on sex work
  • Popular understandings of health, ill health and treatment
  • Non-biomedical therapeutic traditions in India within and outside the formal health sector
  • Lay understandings of suicide and suicide prevention in social and kinship networks
  • The role of ethnographic and other forms of qualitative research evidence in the formulation and evaluation of public health interventions

Beki Langford is working on public health in schools and has a background in biological anthropology. Her doctoral research focused on hygiene practices in Nepal.

Alice Malpass is working on understanding how mindfulness-based approaches may help reduce anxiety and depression.

Vieda Skultans has extensive experience of conducting anthropological research including: spiritualist healing; menstruation and menopause, illness narratives, psychiatry and mental health.

Caroline Wilson has an ongoing interest in the management of non-communicable diseases, particularly in an Indian context and is also involved in research to understand recruitment to clinical trials.

Joint treatment in India
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