
The Centre for Device Thermography and Reliability has a range of equipment that it uses in its research, operating a number of different laboratories with devices for high resolution thermal imaging as well as Infra-red Thermography and thermal simulation. Recent additions include a XT-ray and CT scanner, and a metal organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOCVD) growth equipment. All devices are available to researchers across the university and external users.


Listed below are the Centre for Device Thermography and Reliability's laboratories with accompaning photographs of lab spaces and equipment. 

New Nikon X-ray and CT Scanner

The CDTR is operating a new Nikon XTV 160 XT-ray and CT Scanner donated by Fasetto. This new tool supports CDTR’s research in electronics reliability, in particular device and PCB inspection for failure analysis. Professor Martin Kuball said “This will not only advance our research but also aid us in the training of the next generation of semiconductor device engineers, and is accessible to researchers across the School of Physics as well as throughout the university and external users."

Request use

If you would like to use any of the Center for Device Thermography and Reliability's facilities please contact us.

Other facilities

The School of Physics hosts a range of world-class laboratories and equipment. More  information about the School's other facilities can be found here.

Industry use

The School's facilities are available for use by industry, more information on how industry can use the school's labs and equipment can be found here.
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