A machine learning approach to predict the availability of stem cell donors / Self-tracking fertility and monitoring pregnancy; new thinking on bodies and technologies in digital reproductive health

28 January 2021, 12.00 PM - 28 January 2021, 1.15 PM

Professor Xiaojun Wang (School of Management) and Dr Maria Fannin (Geographical Sciences)


Elizabeth Blackwell Institute's Health Data Science Research Strand seminar

Professor Wang's presentation will be 'A machine learning approach to predict the availability of stem cell donors' 

Dr Fannin's talk will be 'Self-tracking fertility and monitoring pregnancy; new thinking on bodies and technologies in digital reproductive health' 

Register for your free place: Eventbrite booking page

Xiaojun Wang is Professor of Operations Management at the School of Management, University of Bristol. His current research predominantly focuses on low carbon manufacturing, healthcare operations, risk management, coopetition, and social media research using analytical approaches including game theory, optimization, statistics, and machine learning techniques. He has published over 70 peer-reviewed papers in international leading journals in the field of operations and management science including Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, Omega, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Business Ethics, British Journal of Management and many others. He has received funding for research from a range of funding bodies including NERC, ESRC, the Royal Society, the Newton Fund, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).

Maria Fannin is a human geographer interested in social and cultural dimensions of reproduction. She has carried out research on the design of hospital birthing rooms, the economic dynamics of reproductive stem cell biobanking, and gendered aspects of tissue donation. She is currently working on a project investigating the history and contemporary uses of human placenta as a research material.

Contact information

Contact ebi-healthdatascience@bristol.ac.uk with any enquiries.

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