Covid19 and its impact on dementia research

14 April 2021, 11.00 AM - 14 April 2021, 12.30 PM


Hosted by BRACE

As the COVID19 crisis continues, the impact on dementia research grows. The strict social distancing measures mean that many of our researchers have been locked out of the laboratories. Others who work directly with patients are not able to continue their clinical research. Many clinical researchers who work to improve care for people with dementia are also clinicians or nurses. With the NHS under great strain many have had to join the fight against the virus.

Four eminent dementia scientists from across the disciplines are joining together for a BRACE webinar, to discuss the impact the pandemic has had on their work and their hopes for a better future:

  • Professor Clive Ballard, Pro-Vice Chancellor and Executive Dean of the University of Exeter
  • Professor Antony Bayer, chair of the School of Medicine at Cardiff University
  • Dr Tomas Welsh, geriatrician and Director of RICE, Bath
  • Dr Byron Creese, Research Psychologist, University of Exeter

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