• Associate Professor David Slichter, State University of New York at Binghamton 10 January 2017, 1.00 PM - 10 January 2017, 2.00 PM
  • Dr Michelle Holland, Blizard Institute, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry 12 January 2017, 4.00 PM - 12 January 2017, 5.00 PM
  • Robert Scott and Matt Nelson, Glaxo SmithKline (GSK) 7 February 2017, 12.00 PM - 7 February 2017, 1.00 PM
  • Associate Professer Ruth Keogh, Department of Statistics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 16 February 2017, 4.00 PM - 16 February 2017, 5.00 PM
  • Professor John Todd, Wellcome Trust Diabetes and Inflammation Laboratory, University of Oxford 10 March 2017, 4.00 PM - 10 March 2017, 5.00 PM
  • Professor Stephen Sawcer, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Cambridge 21 April 2017, 4.00 PM - 21 April 2017, 5.00 PM
  • Amelie Baud, Sir Henry Wellcome Fellow, European Bioinformatics Institute 6 April 2017, 4.00 PM - 6 April 2017, 5.00 PM
  • Michael Markie, Publishing Director, F1000 20 April 2017, 4.00 PM - 20 April 2017, 5.00 PM
  • Professor Richard Coward, Children's Renal Unit, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children 21 September 2017, 4.00 PM - 21 September 2017, 5.00 PM
  • Brent Richards, Associate Professor, Departments of Medicine, Human Genetics, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McGill University 15 June 2017, 1.00 PM - 15 June 2017, 2.00 PM
  • Dr Marc Gunter, Head of Section of Nutrition and Metabolism, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) 25 July 2017, 12.00 PM - 25 July 2017, 1.00 PM
  • Dr Dyfed Wyn Huws, Public Health Wales 5 October 2017, 12.00 PM - 5 October 2017, 1.00 PM
  • Pekka Martikainen, Professor of Demography, Population Research Unit, Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki 20 February 2017, 1.00 PM - 20 February 2017, 2.00 PM
  • Dr Luca Lotta, Clinical Investigator, Aetiology of Diabetes and Related Metabolic Disorders Programme, Honorary Clinician, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Fellow of Wolfson Colege Cambridge 29 June 2017, 4.00 PM - 29 June 2017, 5.00 PM
  • Gil McVean, Professor of Statistical Genetics, Acting Director of the Oxford Big Data Institute, University of Oxford 7 June 2017, 1.00 PM - 7 June 2017, 2.00 PM
  • Wellcome Trust Population Health Team - Mary de Silva, Erica Pufall, Hannah Walker 20 July 2017, 12.00 PM - 20 July 2017, 1.00 PM
  • IEU Seminar: Professor Janet Catov, IAS Benjamin Meaker Visiting Professor 26 April 2017, 1.00 PM - 26 April 2017, 2.00 PM
  • IEU Seminar : Johannes Textor, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen 30 June 2017, 2.00 PM - 30 June 2017, 3.00 PM
  • Jane Rhodes, Senior Director of New Initiatives, Value Based Medicine, Biogen 28 September 2017, 12.30 PM - 28 September 2017, 1.30 PM
  • Joint MRC IEU/ICEP Seminar: Mihaela van der Schaar, Professor of Quantitative Finance, Oxford University 16 October 2017, 1.00 PM - 16 October 2017, 2.00 PM
  • Professor Caroline Relton : Inaugural Lecture 29 September 2017, 6.15 PM - 29 September 2017, 8.00 PM
  • IEU Seminar: Dr Aysu Okbay, Post-doctoral Researcher, Complex Trait Genetics Lab, Free University Amsterdam and Core Researcher, Social Science Genetic Association Consortium (SSGAC) 31 October 2017, 12.00 PM - 31 October 2017, 1.00 PM
  • IEU Seminar: Professor Sun Ha Jee, Graduate School of Public Health, Yonsei University 10 November 2017, 10.00 AM - 10 November 2017, 11.00 AM
  • IEU Seminar: Robert Scott, GSK 10 November 2017, 12.30 PM - 10 November 2017, 1.30 PM
  • IEU Seminar: Qingyuan Zhao, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Statistics, University of Pennsylvania 28 November 2017, 12.00 PM - 28 November 2017, 1.00 PM
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