Andrew Bird, Professor of Philosophy, Research Director, Faculty of Arts, University of Bristol

5 June 2014, 11.45 PM - 5 June 2014, 11.45 PM

According to many philosophers of science, Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE) is one of the principal means by which the truth of a hypothesis is inferred from the evidence.

“Inference to the Best Explanation”


Date:   Thursday, 5th June 2014
16.00 - 17.00
Room OS6 (Seminar Room), Second Floor, Oakfield House


According to many philosophers of science, Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE) is one of the principal means by which the truth of a hypothesis is inferred from the evidence.  In this talk I articulate IBE in more detail and look at how it relates to causal inference in epidemiology (e.g. Hill's criteria and RCTs).

Alexander Bird

Alexander Bird has been Professor of Philosophy at Bristol since 2003 and Research Director for the Faculty of Arts since 2008. His research is in the philosophy and history of science and medicine.


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