Course structure

The one-year MSc is built around 3 Teaching Blocks. The first two blocks comprise taught units which you have to pass to gain admittance to the final block which is the dissertation project. 

Teaching Block 1 (Autumn) 

In the first Teaching Block we focus on your core human-centred design skills so that before you start creating solutions you really understand what the problem is. 

  • Tools and Methods for Innovation provides your core Design Thinking methodology. 

  • Team Challenges 1: Working with Difference helps you explore what it is to be human and to solve problems and create value for humans. 

  • In the Wild provides a grounding in human-centred research methods to support your other units. 

  • Past Present and Futures explores how innovation has and continues to take place, providing a vital backdrop to your own innovation. 

Teaching Block 2 (Spring) 

In the second Teaching Block we focus on how to make your ideas happen; building on your design skills and helping you create ventures. 

  • Team Challenges 2: Client Led Brief allows you to work on a real brief from a real external client as you apply your design skills to address their needs. 

  • New Venture Creation is your first opportunity to plan and research a start-up venture with guidance and support from our team of seasoned experts. 

  • Start-up Funding and Finance 101 provides the financial, investment, and markets knowhow to support your emerging venture idea from New Venture Creation. 

  • Creativity and Innovation explores how both creative and innovative processes occur, looking in detail at how ‘practice thinking’ helps us create valuable innovations. 

Teaching Block 3 (Summer) 

In the final block there is no teaching; only a single dissertation-type unit in which you are supervised across the summer. In Innovation-led Entrepreneurship in Practice we expect you to research your own innovation project and submit a venture plan explaining what you plan to do, a design document outlining how you’ve researched and designed it, and a reflection telling us what you’ve learned through the process. This project is your chance to pull all your learning together and show us how you plan to change your world! 

Read about all the units in more detail on the University’s Programme Catalogue:

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