Movement from Level a to b

Note: The process of ‘Movement from Level a to b’ ceased as of 31 October 2023 and is part of ‘Promotion up to SL/SRF’ from 1 April 2024 onwards.

Staff moving from Level a to b, will normally move up one incremental point on the salary scale.  For example, a member of staff who is currently at the top incremental point on Level a (i.e. spine point 34) will move up to spine point 35 on Level b.  The member of staff's increment date will then become the anniversary of the salary increase resulting from movement to level b.

This guidance only applies to Pathways 2 and 3.

For guidance and information on the Promotion up to Senior Lecturer / Senior Research Fellow process, please visit: Promotion up to Senior Lecturer / Senior Research Fellow


This policy was last reviewed and updated: September 2024