External gender events

Bristol is a vibrant city, with events taking place throughout the year. A wide range of groups and organisations hold events on gender, and we endeavour to list as many as possible of these here.

2017/18 events

Jack Halberstam - Trans*: A Quick and Quirky Guide to Gender Variability

Date: 04 June 2018,

Time: 18:30 to 23:00

Venue: Arnolfini Bristol

Cost: £4/3

For more info and ticket purchasing details: https://www.arnolfini.org.uk/whatson/talks-jack-halberstam-trans-a-quick-and-quirky-guide-to-gender-variability

 If you cannot afford a ticket but would like to attend, please contact kieran.swann@arnolfini.org.uk 

UWE Bristol Sociology Department and Arnolfini are pleased to present visiting scholar Jack Halberstam, Professor of English & Gender Studies at Columbia University, New York.

Halberstam is best known for their classic contributions to gender studies, including Female Masculinity (1998), The Queer Art of Failure (2011) and Gaga Feminism (2012).  They are currently working on several new projects including a book titled Wild Thing: Queer Theory After Nature, on queer anarchy, performance and protest culture, the intersections between animality, the human and the environment. 

Dr Finn Mackay, Senior Lecturer in Sociology at UWE Bristol will introduce and Chair the Lecture.  The evening will conclude with DJs in Arnolfini café bar. 


In January 2018 there will be a newly convened Feminism and Gender Reading Group, organised by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law.

The aim of the reading group is to create an informal space to explore and share understandings and cross-disciplinary perspectives on various areas of gender and to bring together those of us interested in engaging critically with feminist issues. Through this group we will explore topics including (but not limited to) gender, sexuality, feminist theory, masculinity and men's studies, intersectionality, women’s rights, and gender and race.

This reading group is open to all students and staff, across all disciplines, and we particularly welcome undergrads and postgrads to attend. If you are interested in participating, please email me (jassi.sandhar@bristol.ac.uk) so that I can add you to the mailing list. We also encourage you to submit suggestions for texts to read or themes you would be interested in exploring.

Date: Third Wednesday of every month (starting 17th January 2018)

Time: 3-5pm

Location: Various (first meeting will take place in 5.69 WMB, after which the location will change each month to accommodate all departments)

Session 1: Black feminism and critical race theory (17th January 3-5pm)

Location: WMB 3.32

Session 2: Queer theory and sexuality (21st February 3-5pm)

Location: TBD

Session 3: Intersectionality (21st March 3-5pm)

Location: TBD

Session 4: Materialist feminisms (18th April 3-5pm)

Location: TBD

Session 5: Representation and recognition (16th May 3-5pm)

Location: TBD

Festival of Ideas logo Festival of Ideas

The Festival of Ideas is a partner of the University of Bristol. As such, students and staff are eligible for cheaper tickets to all their events.

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