Apply to study abroad in a modern language

What you must do to apply to study abroad and be taught in a modern language.

There are two steps to apply to study abroad in a modern language: 

Step 1: register with Bristol Abroad

School of Modern Languages degree course students

During teaching block 1 of your second year, you must:

  1. Discuss your placement options with the relevant Year Abroad Coordinator in your academic department.
  2. Submit your placement choices to the School of Modern Languages via Blackboard.
  3. Confirm your year abroad placement choice(s) with your Year Abroad Coordinator. These will then be registered with Bristol Abroad by end of January 2025.
  4. Apply to your host university. We will email you by the end of March 2025 with details of how to apply to the university abroad. 
  5. Attend the Year Abroad Preparation Sessions organised by the School of Modern Languages (January to March 2025) and any country talk held by the department of your placement language(s).

Students on other degree courses

This information is for students enrolled on the following degree courses: 

  • Study Abroad in a Modern Language or
  • Law and French / German / Spanish or
  • Liberal Arts with Study Abroad on a language pathway.

In teaching block 1 of your second year you must: 

  1. Check that you meet the elegibility requirements to study abroad in a modern language.
  2. Look at study abroad university places available to your owning department and taught in your specific modern language to see what destinations are available to you.  
  3. Discuss your preferred destination(s), the academic requirements and exchange spaces available with your Study Abroad Academic Director (SAAD) and confirm with them by 31 October 2024.
  4. Register your placement allocation with the Bristol Abroad team from 1 - 11 November 2024. We will send you the relevant form to register.
  5. Apply to your host university. We will email you by the end of March 2025 with details of how to apply to the university abroad.
  6. Attend a next steps meeting or country talk (January to March 2025). 

Step 2. apply to your host university abroad

All students must: 

1. Receive and follow application guidance

We will tell you how to apply to your host university, and the relevant deadline(s).

Liberal Arts students on a language pathway studying abroad in Europe

If you are a Liberal Arts student on a language pathway studying abroad in Europe, you must also complete an application to the European Liberal Arts Network (ELAN). Contact your Study Abroad Academic Director for further information.

2. Supporting documents for your application 

You will need to include the following documents as part of your application to your host university. We will contact you with more details about this nearer the time. 

Provisional study plan or learning agreement

This includes the units you hope to study at your host university. You may not be able to finalise your study plan until you arrive.

Your University of Bristol transcript

This lists the units you have studied and the grades you have achieved so far during your time at Bristol. Transcripts can take up to 10 working days to be produced. Request your transcript from your Faculty office.  

Copy of your passport page

You must have a passport, and it must be valid until at least 6 months after the end of your intended study abroad period.

You will need to include a copy of your passport page with your application. 

Proof of finances

You may need to provide proof of finances as part of your application. This is often needed to apply for any relevant visas. More about fees, funding and budgeting for your time abroad. 

Copy of your A-level / International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma certificate(s)

If you are applying to study abroad during Teaching Block 1 Semester of your second year, you may need to provide copies of your pre-university qualifications.

Proof of language level

You may need to provide confirmation that you meet a minimum B2 level in the modern language. Your host university will inform you of this when you apply. Most universities abroad will request proof of this from your modern language tutor or Year Abroad Coordinator.

Following the British Exit from the European Union (Brexit), some universities may require an official language certificate such as a DELF (French) or SIELE (Spanish). Where we have been made aware of this, we will inform students in advance so they can prepare. The test must be booked and funded by the student.

3. Await notification of application

Your host university will let you know if you have been offered a place to study, and how to tell them your decision. 

Your study abroad place depends on: 

  • you being accepted by the host university abroad, and
  • you meeting the minimum academic requirements set by your academic department in your first and second year at Bristol. This does not apply to School of Modern Languages students. 

Find out what you need to do pre-departure

Working abroad

If you are a School of Modern Language student, you also have the option to work during your year abroad.

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