Bristol Glaciology Centre

The Bristol Glaciology Centre (BGC) focuses on the study of cold and ice-covered regions across the globe, from the Arctic to the Antarctic. Renowned for its multidisciplinary approach, the BGC employs advanced research methods, including remote sensing, numerical modeling, and field studies, to understand and address the impacts of changing cryospheric environments on ecosystems and communities.

Ice sheet and glacial processes

BGC’s research on ice sheets and glacial processes primarily involves studying the mechanics and dynamics that govern ice movements and their interactions with climate systems. We apply advanced remote sensing techniques and numerical models to predict past and future changes of the polar ice sheets.  

Glacier microbiology and biogeochemistry 

We investigate the role of microorganisms in biogeochemical processes that occur within icy environments.  We help elucidate the complex interactions between microbial activity and glacier dynamics, offering insights into how life adapts to extreme cold, how microbial activity influences glacier melt, and its implications for global biogeochemical cycles. 

Global glacier change 

We are developing remote sensing and numerical modelling methods to help monitor, understand, and predict the rapid changes occurring in mountain glaciers worldwide. The data generated by BGC is critical for water resource management and hazard risk assessments in mountainous regions affected by glacier retreat. 

Glacier hydrology 

Our research explores the flow of water through and beneath glaciers, including studying subglacial drainage systems and their impact on glacier motion and stability, as well as their chemical composition and ecological function. We develop advanced autonomous measurements systems to study places where no human can go. 

Sea level rise 

Research on sea level rise at BGC includes detailed measurements and modeling of how melting ice sheets and glaciers are contributing to sea level rise. Our work provides valuable information for policy-making and coastal management planning to mitigate impacts on vulnerable communities. 

More about the group

Research Highlights:


MicroLab@Bristol employs a range of laboratory, field and modeling techniques to study how life excels in extreme cryo-environments and its role in globally relevant processes. We also work closer to home on several marine and freshwater topics.


The Low Temperature Experimental Facility is a unique national research facility focused on biogeochemical processes in freshwater systems, including low temperature environments.


The Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM) is a modelling framework to study past and future glacier change in mountain and polar regions.  

Black and Bloom

Unravelling how dark particles and microbial processes accelerate the melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet.


Attributing global sea level rise to its component parts.

Glaciology 65 years ago

Prof John Nye looks back on his academic career and the history of Glaciology.

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