Brain Box Challenge

The Brain Box Challenge is a morning or afternoon workshop in which children explore how the brain works. The sessions are provided free of charge where possible provided we can get additional local adult support.

We do ask that schools provide us with feedback after the event so that we can ensure that we are providing the best possible educational enrichment experience for all recipients. A number of our workshop activities can also be viewed in our photo gallery.

Children often send us their drawings of scientists or the brain and we are delighted to receive these. A selection of the most colourful ones are also posted in our art gallery.


"The 44 children who took part had a very enriching and enjoyable morning."

"A week after the event, they were still reeling off impressive facts and figures!"

"The two year 5 classes are currently studying the human body so this workshop tied in perfectly with the curriculum - one of their objectives is to learn how the brain functions. Dr Turk and Dr Collard covered this brilliantly in their session, very much pitching it at the right level for this age group."

Backwell Primary School 2012

"I am writing to tell you what a valuable and enjoyable experience it was for the children, staff and parent helpers."

" The session was an ideal opportunity to enhance the learning our pupils experience linked to the National Curriculum focus on Life Processes."

"It was also interesting to have some of your students, available to work alongside groups of children. This presented us with role models to refer to, inspiring more of our pupils to get involved in science more confidently in the future."

Golden Valley Primary School 2013

A selection of schools we have visited

  • Aloeric Primary School, Melksham, Wiltshire
  • Ashcombe Primary School, Weston-super-Mare
  • Auchterellon Primary School, Aberdeenshire
  • Backwell Church of England Primary School, North Somerset
  • Begbrook Primary School, Bristol
  • Bowerhill Primary School, Melksham, Wiltshire
  • Broughton Gifford Primary School, Wiltshire
  • Cheddar Grove Primary School, Bristol
  • Crombie Primary School, Aberdeenshire
  • Cultercullen Primary School, Aberdeenshire
  • Farmborough Primary School, Bath
  • Golden Valley Primary School, Nailsea, North Somerset
  • Hatton of Fintray Primary School, Aberdeenshire
  • Hutton Primary School, North Somerset
  • Meiklemill Primary School, Aberdeenshire
  • Shaw Primary School, Wiltshire
  • St Andrews Primary School, Bath
  • St. Josephs RC Primary School, Devizes, Wilts
  • Voyage Learning Campus, Nailsea, North Somerset
  • Whitchurch Primary School, Bristol

For more information go to the main website

Host a workshop

For further information Brain Box Brochure 2019 (PDF, 4,598kB)‌ or email the co-ordinator:

Pictures sent in by children following our workshops
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