Selected research group publications
This is a list of selected work published by members of the ESSRG and friends, plus some key agency documents that have relevance (direct or indirect) for educational research and development in small states.
In addition, below are links to extensive UNESCO resources on SIDS:
- Small Island Developing States (SIDS) (
- UNESCO and Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
- Statement by Dr. Kalim Shah on behalf of the Universities Consortium of Small Island States
2020 - Present
- Crossley, M. (2023) Podcast: The FreshEd Podcast #312
- Johansson-Fua, S. & Crossley, M. (2022) Higher Education in the Island States of Oceania. In Lee, W. O., Brown, P., Goodwin, AL. & Green, A. (Eds.) International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific, Singapore, Springer.
- Crossley, M., King, K., McGrath, S. & Watson, K., (2020) Possibilities and Priorities for IJED in Times of Uncertainty: A 40th Anniversary Analysis. International Journal of Educational Development, 79.
- Crossley, M. and Watson, K. (2020). Colin Brock 1939 - 2016. In D. Phillips (Ed.), British Scholars of Comparative Education: Examining the Work and Influence of Notable 19th and 20th Century Comparativists, Oxford Studies in Comparative Education, London, Routledge.
- Di Biase, R., Malatesta, S. & Schmidt di Frieberg, M. (2021) Promoting education for sustainable development in the Maldives: Exploring the link between theory and practice, Prospects.
- Fikuree, et al (2021) Challenges to education during COVID-19 pandemic: A SIDS perspective with special reference to the situation in the Maldives. The International Education Journal: Comparative perspectives 20 (2).
- Louisy, D. P. (2021). Book review: The Barbados community college experience: leading the Anglophone Caribbean in a global movement. Small States & Territories, 4(2), 404-406.
- Muna, et al (2021) Education in the time of COVID-19 in the Maldive: The experience of one Small Island Developing State, (Special Issue) States of Emergency: Education in the time of COVID-19, Norrag, (6) 82-84.
- Shiyama, A. (2020), Primary teacher professional learning in the Maldives: An explorative study of science process skills pedagogies. PhD thesis, The University of Bristol, UK.
2010 – 2019
- Barrett, Angeline & Crossley, Michael. (2015). The power and politics of international comparisons: Editorial. Compare. 45.
- Crossley, M. (2010) “Context Matters in Educational research and International Development: Learning from the Small States Experience” Prospects 40 (4): 421-429.
- Crossley, M. (2019). Policy transfer, sustainable development and the contexts of education. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, (49), 1-17.
- Crossley, M. W., Bray, M., Packer, S., Louisy, P., & Sprague, T. (2012). Learning from Commonwealth small states: Educational policies and priorities beyond 2015. In Commonwealth Education Partnerships 2012/13 (pp. 123-126). Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Crossley, M. & Bray, M. & Packer, S. (2011) Education in Small States- Policies and Priorities London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Crossley, Michael and Louisy, C P. (2019). Commonwealth Small States, Education and Environmental Uncertainty: Learning from the Sharp End. The Round Table. 108. 1-13.
- Crossley, M. and Sprague, T. (2012) “Learning from Small States for Post-2015 Educational and International Development” Current Issues in Comparative Education 15 (1): 26-40.
- Crossley, M. and Sprague, T. 2013, ‘Education for Sustainable Development: Implications for Small Island Developing States’. International Journal of Educational Development (IJED).
- Crossley, M., Sprague, T., 2017. Developing a Bigger Picture: Re-Theorising, Applying and Extending the Education in Small States Literature, in: Jules, T., Ressler, P. (Eds.), Re-Reading Education Policy and Practice in Small States: Issues of Size and Scale in the Emerging “Intelligent Society and Economy,” Comparative Education Series. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 41–55.
- Didi, A. (2012). The Maldives in transition: Human rights and voices of dissent. PhD thesis, Curtin University, Western Australia.
- De Lisle, J. (2012) ‘Explaining Whole System Reform in Small States: The Case of the Trinidad and Tobago Secondary Education Modernization Program’ Current Issues in Comparative Education, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 64-82.
- De Lisle, J. Smith, P. Keller, C. and Jules, V. (2012) “Differential Outcomes in High-Stakes Eleven Plus Testing: The Role of Gender, Geography, and Assessment Design in Trinidad and Tobago”, Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 45- 64.
- Di Biase, R. (2015). Learning from a small state’s experience: Acknowledging the importance of context in implementing learner-centred pedagogy. International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives, 14(1), 1–20.
- Di Biase, R. (2016). Investigating active learning reform in the Small State of the Maldives: What works and under what circumstances? PhD thesis, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
- Di Biase, R. (2017). Mediating global reforms locally: A study of the enabling conditions for promoting active learning in a Maldivian island school. 16(1), 8–22.
- Di Biase, R. (2019). Moving beyond the teacher-centred/learner-centred dichotomy: implementing a structured model of active learning in the Maldives. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 49(4), 565–583.
- Le Fanu, G. – chapter commissioned for book to be published in 2015. Inclusive education and international development: established orthodoxies and emerging alternatives. In: S. McGrath, Q. Gu, (Eds.), International Handbook on Education and Development. Routledge, Abingdon.
- Le Fanu, G., (2013) The inclusion of inclusive education in international development: lessons from Papua New Guinea. International Journal of Educational Development, 32 (2), 139-148.
- Le Fanu, G., 2013. Reconceptualising inclusive education in international development. In: L. Tikly, A.M. Barrett (Eds.), Education Quality and Social Justice in the South: Challenges for Policy, Practice, and Research. Routledge, London, pp. 40-55.
- Muna, A., (2014), Evolution and Development of Tertiary Education in the Maldives, EdD Thesis, University of Bristol.
- Sayed, Y. & Sprague, T. (2013) Editorial: Post-2015 Education and Development – Contestation, Contradictions and Consensus. Special Issue of theCompare Forum on Education and Development Post 2015. Compare. 43 (6).
- Sprague, T. (2013) Education for sustainable development: Examples from Commonwealth small states. Commonwealth Education Partnerships 2013/14. London, Nexus for Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Sprague, T., 2015. Education for Sustainable Development: The Rising Place of Resilience and Lessons from Small Island Developing States, in: McGrath, S., Gu, Q. (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook on Education and Development. Routledge, London, pp. 50–62.
- Sprague, T., 2016. An Overview of Contrasts and Similarities of Education in Non-EU Countries in Western and Southern Europe, in: Education in Non-EU Countries in Western and Southern Europe, Education Around the World. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 1–11.
- Sprague, T., Crossley, M., Hancock, G., 2015. Education in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific: Challenges, Issues and Priorities, in: Sprague, T., Crossley, M., Hancock, G. (Eds.), Education in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, Education Around the World. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 1–16.
- Sprague, T & Crossley, M., 2013, ‘Learning from the sharp end: Education for sustainable development in small states’. Policy Bristol Hub.
- Sprague, T. and Crossley, M. (2013) Learning from the sharp end: Education for sustainable development in small states. Bristol Policy Blog. 12 August 2013.
- Sprague, T., Sargsyan, C., 2014. Armenia: Changes, Challenges and Priorities, in: Ivanenko, N. (Ed.), Education in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, Education Around the World. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 227–258.
2000 – 2009
- Atchoarena, D, Da Graca, P D, & Marquez, J M (2008) 'Strategies for post-primary education in small island developing states (SIDS): lessons from Cape Verde, Comparative Education, 44(2), 167-186.
- Atkins, J P, Mazzi, S & Easter C C (2000) A Commonwealth Vulnerability Index for Developing Countries: The Position of Small States, London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Bacchus, K (2008) 'The education challenges facing small nation states in the increasingly competitive global economy of the 21st century', Comparative Education, 44(2), 127-146.
- Baldacchino, G (2000) ‘The Challenge of Hypothermia. A six proposition manifesto for small island territories’, The Round Table (353) 65-79.
- Baldacchino. G (2008) 'Entrepreneurship in smaller jurisdictions: appraising a global elite, Comparative Education, 44(2), 187-202.
- Baldacchino, G and Bray, M (eds) (2001) 'Human Resource Strategies for Small States', Special Issue of International Journal of Educational Development 21(3).
- Baldacchino, G (2001) Human Education Perspectives in the Caribbean, Commonwealth Education Partnerships, Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Baldacchino, G and Farrugia, C (eds) (2002) Educational Planning and Management in Small States: concepts and experiences, London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Baldacchino, G and Milne, D (eds) (2000) Lessons from the Political Economy of Small Islands. The resourcefulness of jurisdiction, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan Press.
- CARICOM (2002) Report on the Meeting of Ministers of Education of the Commonwealth Caribbean and the Signing of the Savannah Accord, Christchurch, Barbados: Ministry of Education, Barbados in conjunction with Education Section of Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Carrington, E W (2004) Statement by His Excellency Edwin W Carrington, Secretary-General, Caribbean Community, Inter-regional Preparatory Meeting to Review the Implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States: Nassau, The Bahamas.
- Commonwealth Secretariat (2000) Education for Our Common Future: The Halifax Statement on Education in the Commonwealth. London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Commonwealth Secretariat/World Bank Joint Task Force on Small States (2000) Small States: Meeting Challenges in the Global Economy, London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Coxon, E & Munce, K (2008) 'The global education agenda and the delivery of aid to Pacific education',Comparative Education, 44(2), 147-166.
- Crossley, M. (2001) 'Cross-cultural issues, small states and research: capacity building in Belize', International Journal of Educational Development, 21 (3) 217-229.
- Crossley, M. (2002) 'Challenges for Commonwealth universities', in S Matlin (ed) Commonwealth Education Partnerships 2003, London: HMSO.
- Crossley, M. (2003) 'Education in small states; priorities and prospects', in S Matlin (ed) Commonwealth Education Partnerships 2004, London: The Stationery Office.
- Crossley, M. (2008) ‘The advancement of educational research in small states contexts’, Comparative Education, 44(1) Comparative Education,44(2), 247-254.
- Crossley, M. and Holmes, K. (2001) 'Challenges for educational research: international development, partnerships and capacity building in small states', Oxford Review of Education, 27 (3) 395-409.
- Crossley, M. and Jarvis, P. (eds) (2000) Comparative Education for the 21st Century. Special Number of Comparative Education, 36 (3).
- Crossley, M., with Jarvis, P., (eds) (2001) Comparative Education for the 21st century: An International Response. Special Number of Comparative Education, 37(4).
- Crossley, M. and Thompson, C. (2000) 'Distance education for primary teachers and principals in Belize', Education Across the Commonwealth 1(1) 59-65.
- Crossley, M. and Tikly, L., (eds) (2004) 'Postcolonialism and Comparative Education', Special Number of Comparative Education, 40(2).
- Crossley, M. and Trahar, S., (2004) 'Cultural continuities and discontinuities in teaching styles: a comparative and international response', Papua New Guinea Journal of Education 39(2) 79-84.
- Crossley, M. and Watson, K., (2003) Comparative and International Research in Education: Globalisation, Context and Difference, London & New York: Routledge Falmer.
- De Lisle, J. (2006) ‘Dragging Eleven-Plus Measurement Practice into the Fourth Quadrant: The Trinidad and Tobago SEA as a Gendered Sieve’ Caribbean Curriculum, Vol. 13, pp. 91- 12.
- Hickling-Hudson, A. (2004) “Towards Caribbean ‘Knowledge Societies’: Dismantling Neo-Colonial Barriers in the Age of Globalisation,” Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 293 - 299.
- Hogan-Brun, G. (ed.) (2000) National Varieties of German outside Germany. A European Perspective. Berne, Wien: P. Lang.
- Hogan-Brun, G. (2003) National Minorities in a Transitional Setting. In G, Hogan-Brun & S. Wolff (eds), Minority Languages in Europe: Status –– Frameworks – Prospects. Houndsmills: Palgrave/Macmillan, pp. 120-135.
- Hogan-Brun, G. (2005) The Baltic Republics and Language Ideological Debates Surrounding EU Accession, in Language and Social Processes in the Baltic Republics Surrounding EU Accession, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 26/5 Special Issue, G. Hogan-Brun guest editor, 367-377.
- Hogan-Brun, G (2006) At the Interface of Language Ideology and Practice: The Public Discourse Surrounding the 2004 Education Reform in Latvia. Language Policy 5, 1-26.
- Hogan-Brun, G. & M. Ramoniene (2005) Perspectives on Language Attitudes and Use in Lithuania’s Multilingual Setting, in Language and Social Processes in the Baltic Republics Surrounding EU Accession, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 26/5, Special Issue, G. Hogan-Brun guest editor, 425-441.
- Hogan-Brun, G & M Ramoniene (2004), Changing Levels of Bilingualism across the Baltic, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 7:1, 62-77.
- Hogan-Brun, G., and S. Wolff. (eds)(2003) Minority Languages in Europe: Status – Frameworks– Prospects Houndsmills: Palgrave//MacMillan. Reprinted 2004.
- Hogan-Brun, G. & M. Ramoniene (2003) Emerging Language and Education Policies in Lithuania Language Policy 2, 27-45.
- Hogan-Brun, G. & S. Wolff (2003) Minority Languages in Europe: An Introduction to the Current Debate In G. Hogan-Brun & S. Wolff (eds), Minority Languages in Europe: Status –– Frameworks – Prospects. Houndsmills: Palgrave/Macmillan, pp. 3-15.
- Holmes, K. & Crossley, M (2004) 'Whose knowledge, whose values? The contribution of local knowledge to education policy processes: a case study of research development initiatives in the small state of St Lucia',Compare 34(2) 197-214.
- International Monetary Fund and World Bank (2003) 2003 Small States Forum Background Information: Partner Institution Progress Reports on the Small States Task Force Report Agenda, Dubai: IMF-World Bank.
- Isaac, A. (2001) Education Reform in the Eastern Caribbean: implications of a policy and decision-making programme by an external donor, unpublished doctoral dissertation, Department of Culture and Values in Education, Faculty of Graduate Studies: McGill University.
- Jules, D. (2006) ‘Power and Educational Development: Small States and the Labors of Sisyphus’ in Afolayan, M., Jules, D. & Browne, D. (Eds.) Current Discourse on Education in Developing Nations: Essays in Honor of B. Robert Tabachnick & Robert Koehl New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
- Jules, D (2008) 'Rethinking education for the Caribbean: a radical approach', Comparative Education,44(2), 203-214.
- Jules, D, Miller, E et al (2000) Caribbean Education Strategy, Washgton DC: World Bank.
- Kisanga, E & Danchie, S J (eds) (2007) Commonwealth Small States: Issues and Prospects, London: Commonwealth Secretariat, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.
- Le Fanu, G., (2006) The inclusion of inclusive education in teacher-training. Issues of curriculum, pedagogy, and staffing. In: P. Pena (Ed.), Sustainable Curriculum Development: The PNG Curriculum Reform Experience. National Department of Education, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, pp. 99-110.
- Louisy, C P (2001) ‘Globalisation and comparative education: a Caribbean perspective’, Comparative Education, 37 (4) 425-438.
- Louisy, C P (2004) 'Whose context for what quality? Informing education strategies for the Caribbean',Compare, 34(3) 285-292.
- Mayo, P (2008) 'Editorial: Comparative and international perspectives on education in small states',Comparative Education, 44(2), 121-124.
- Mayo, P (2008), Pace, P P & Zammit, E (2008) 'Adult education in small states: the case of Malta,Comparative Education, 44(2), 229-246.
- Mebrahtu, T, Crossley, M and Johnson, D (eds) (2000) Globalisation, Educational Transformation and Societies in Transition, Oxford, Symposium Books.
- Morrison, K (2006) 'Sensitive educational research in small states and territories: the case of Macau',Compare 36(2) 249-264.
- Nkrumah-Young, K K, Huisman, J & Powell, P (2008) 'The impact of funding policies on higher education in Jamaica', Comparative Education, 44(2), 215-228.
- Peretz, D, Faruqui, R & Eliawony, P (eds) (2001) Small States in the Global Economy, London & Washington: Commonwealth Secretariat & World Bank
- Roberts, V (2003) The Shaping of Tertiary Education in the Anglophone Caribbean, London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Thompson, C and Crossley, M (2000) ‘Transforming teacher education in a small state: potential for distance education in Belize, Central America’, in Mebrahtu, T, Crossley, M and Johnson, D (eds) Globalisation, Educational Transformation and Societies in Transition, Oxford, Symposium Books.
- Webster, T (2000) Globalisation of Education Policies: The Extent of External Influences on Contemporary Universal Primary Education Policies in Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby: University of Papua New Guinea Press.
- World Bank (2000) Small States: Meeting challenges in the global economy. Report of the Commonwealth Secretariat / World Bank Joint Task Force on Small States. Washington DC: World Bank.
1990 – 1999
- Atchoarena, D (1993) Educational Strategies for Small Island States, Paris, UNESCO: International Institute for Educational Planning.
- Ako, Y W (1996) ‘Factors affecting community school drop out in Erave District of the South Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea’, Papua New Guinea Journal of Education, 33 (2) 70-72, Port Moresby: National Research Institute.
- Ako, Y W (1998) ‘Politics of board fees and educational opportunity in one community school in the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea’, Papua New Guinea Journal of Teacher Education, 4 (1) 23-33, Goroka: University of Goroka.
- Bray, M, Charles, H. et al (1991) Making Small Practical: organisation and management of ministries of education in small states, London, Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Bray, M and Packer, S (1993) Education in Small States: concepts, challenges and strategies, Oxford: Pergamon Press.
- Collier, P and Dollar, D (1999) Aid, Risk and the Special Concerns of Small States, Washington DC: World Bank.
- Commonwealth Secretariat Human Development Division (1996) 'Examination systems in small states: Pan-Commonwealth Workshop, Bridgetown, Barbados, 6-10 May 1996', Report, Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Commonwealth Secretariat (1997) A Future for Small States: overcoming vulnerability. Report by a Commonwealth Advisory Group. London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Crossley, M. (ed) (1993) 'Education in the South Pacific', Special Number of Comparative Education 29(3).
- Crossley, M. (1994) 'The organisation and management of curriculum development in Papua New Guinea', International Review of Education 40(1) 37-58.
- Crossley, M. and Holmes, K. (1999) Educational Development in the Small States of the Commonwealth: Retrospect and Prospect, London, Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Crossley, M. and Holmes, K. (1999) ‘Challenges for Educational Research: Partnerships and Capacity Building in Small States.’ NORRAG News, 25 (December 1999) 52-53.
- Crossley, M. and Louisy, C P. (1994) ‘The changing role of the small state in higher education: a comparison of national and regional initiatives in the Caribbean and the South Pacific’, Compare, 24 (2) 109-125.
- Crossley, Michael and Louisy, C P. (2019). Commonwealth Small States, Education and Environmental Uncertainty: Learning from the Sharp End. The Round Table. 108. 1-13.
- Crossley, M. and Sprague, T. (2012) “Learning from Small States for Post-2015 Educational and International Development” Current Issues in Comparative Education 15 (1): 26-40.
- Crossley, M. and Sprague, T. 2013, ‘Education for Sustainable Development: Implications for Small Island Developing States’. International Journal of Educational Development (IJED).
- Crossley, M. and Tsayang, G., (1994) 'Language and culture: a methodological note on the potential of qualitative research in developing countries with special reference to Botswana', Mosenodi (Journal of the Botswana Educational Research Association) 3(2) 64-68.
- Crossley, M. and Vulliamy, G., (eds) (1997) Qualitative Educational Research in Developing Countries, New York: Garland.
- Le Fanu, G., (1999) Inclusive Education for Children with Visual Impairments: A Guide for Non-formal Schools. Helen Keller International, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Lillis, K M, Atchoarena, D et al (1993) Policy, Planning and Management of Education in Small States,Paris: UNESCO, International Institute for Educational Planning.
- Lloyd, M & Packer, S (1994) Educational Consultancy in Small States, London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Louisy, C P (1993) Tertiary Education in St Lucia: Implications for Small Island States, Graduate School of Education. University of Bristol, Unpublished PhD Thesis.
- Louisy, C P (1997) 'Dilemmas of insider research in a small country setting: Tertiary education in St Lucia', inQualitative Educational Research in Developing Countries: Current Perspectives, Crossley, M and Vulliamy, G (eds), New York, Garland.
- Sanders, R M (1998) ‘Commonwealth Edinburgh Summit: A Beneficial Encounter for Small States’, The Round Table, Feb 1998: 38-44
- Sultana, R G (1997) 'Educational development in post-colonial Malta: challenges for a Mediterranean micro-state', International Journal of Educational Development, 17(3).
- UNESCO (1998) ‘Small States: Big Issues’, Quarterly Newsletter of the Unit for Relations with Small Member States, Bureau for External Relations
- Van der Eyken, W, Goulden, D and Crossley, M (1995) 'Evaluating educational reform in a small state: a case study of Belize, Central America', Evaluation: The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice 1(1) 33-44.
1989 and early
- Atchoarena, D (1989) Educational Planning in Small States: the case of the Caribbean, Paris: UNESCO.
- Bacchus, K and C Brock (1987) The Challenge of Scale: educational development in the small states of the Commonwealth. London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Bray, M and Fergus, H A (1986) 'The implications of size for educational development in small countries: Montserrat, a Caribbean case study', Compare 16(1) 91-102.
- Bray, M and Hui, P (1989) 'The implications of size for educational development in small territories: the case of Macau', International Review of Education 35(2) 129-143.
- Brock, C (1982) 'The legacy of colonialism in West Indian education', in J K P Watson (ed) Education in the Third World, London: Croom Helm.
- Brock, C (1984) Scale, Isolation and Dependence: educational development in island developing and other specially disadvantaged states, London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Brock, C (1988a) 'Beyond the fringe? Small states and the provision of education', Comparative Education,24(2) 167-179.
- Brock, C (1988b) 'Education and national scale: the world of small states', Prospects 18(3) 303-314.
- Brock, C and Smawfield, D (1988) 'Education and development: the issue of small states', Educational Review 40(2) 227-239.
- Commonwealth Secretariat (1986) Educational Development: The Small States of the Commonwealth,Report of a Pan-Commonwealth Meeting of Experts, Mauritius, 1985, London, Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Commonwealth Secretariat (1986) Vulnerability: Small States in the Global Society. Report of a Commonwealth consultative group, London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Farrugia, C J. and Attard, P A. (1989) The Multi-functional Administrator, London, Commonwealth Secretariat.