
Can you help us to identify the features of a professional learning community?

The idea is comparatively new and we have developed a questionnaire to find out what you and your colleagues think of professional learning communities. The main aim of the EPLC survey is to investigate the factors that facilitate or hinder the development of a thriving professional learning community and its links with pupil learning and achievement. The questionnaire has been administered to a large sample of nursery, primary, secondary and special schools, and we will be carrying out a detailed statistical analysis of the survey results.

View the General Primary report: EPLC - General Primary Report (PDF, 145kB)

View the General Secondary report: EPLC - General Secondary Report (PDF, 148kB)

We would be very grateful to hear any comments, either positive or negative, regarding the content or usefulness of the EPLC questionnaire.

View the questionnaire: EPLC - Questionnaire (PDF, 529kB)

You may also find the EPLC questionnaire useful as a staff development tool to assist school staff in reflecting in the characteristics and features of effective professional learning communities.

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