Project activities

During the project we will be:

  • Carrying out an extensive survey of the literature.
  • Developing a framework of characteristics and outcome indicators of effective professional learning communities.
  • Surveying the headteachers or continuing professional development (CPD) co-ordinators of a national sample of nursery, primary, secondary and special schools and providing staff in these schools with feedback.
  • Examining links between characteristics of effective professional learning communities and pupil progress through detailed statistical analysis.
  • Carrying out detailed case studies in 16 different types of school settings or clusters and producing accounts of how members of school-wide professional learning communities promote and work to sustain these communities.
  • Exploring the impact of being in a professional learning community for pupils, teachers and support staff, both as individuals and across the organisation.
  • Bringing representatives from our case study schools together for workshops to share experiences and research findings.
  • Disseminating our findings in ways to support those involved in creating and sustaining effective professional learning communities.
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