Feedback and dissemination

Throughout the project, we will be keeping you up-to-date with our work, sharing emerging findings and seeking feedback on them. By the end of the project we will be producing a series of papers, practical materials and guidelines; organising events including workshops and conferences, videos, tools and games to disseminate findings and to promote interaction about the study's key practical outcomes.

Conference papers have been presented at BERA 2002/2003, ICSEI 2003 and AERA 2003. A summary literature review provided by the project team, published by the DfES, is also below.

DfES 2003 Literature Review

DfES produced EPLC literature review: EPLC - DfES 2003 Literature Review (PDF, 338kB)

ICSEI 2003 paper

Paper presented at the Sixteenth International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, Sydney 05-08/01/2003: EPLC - ICSEI 2003 paper (PDF, 325kB)

BERA Conference

Presented during the symposium Teachers as Leaders of Change: Issues, Definitions and Drivers 11/09/2003: EPLC - BERA Conference (PDF, 305kB)

Second workshop conference report

Birmingham: 20-21/11/2003, the theme of External and Internal Processes in Creating, Developing and Sustaining an EPLC: EPLC - Bham conference report (PDF, 156kB)

Key readings

Professional Learning Communities: a bibliography

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