
Collaboration with the Grenoble mathematics education team has provided critical and constructive input to the ongoing research of Rosamund Sutherland and associated colleagues in several ways.

Firstly close links with the research and development of the dynamic geometry environment Cabri Géomètre have influenced the approach taken to the Bristol team’s research on learning mathematics with new technologies.

Secondly Brousseau’s Theory of Didactical Situations in Mathematics has influenced Rosamund Sutherland’s ongoing research in mathematics education.

Finally collaborative writing with Nicolas Balacheff has played an important role in developing theory and methodology and in confronting conceptions which relate to both culture and experience.

Most recently Alf Coles is attending a symposium in Paris with the aim of bringing together Methamatics educators from the UK and French traditions.

Some collaborative publications

  • Balacheff, N., Cooper, M., Sutherland, R., Warfield, V. (eds. & translators) (1997) Theory of Didactical Situations in Mathematics, by Guy Brousseau, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp.1-304, ISDN 0-7923-4526-6.
  • Sutherland, R. & Balacheff, N. (1999) Didactical Complexity of Computational Envirnoments for the Learning of Mathematics, the International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning.
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