Bristol Collegiate Research Society

The Bristol Collegiate Research Society is a body made up of academic and external members who are committed to sponsoring and supporting an annual academic symposium and travel scholarships.

About the Society

The Society was founded in 1899 by a body of Bristol citizens who wished to assist the University College. From 1908 to 1948 it applied its resources in grants towards specific research projects in various departments of the University.  The main area of activity currently supported by the Society is an annual research symposium.

Research symposia

The Society has been supporting symposia since 1948. Each symposium consists of three elements: a conference, a public lecture and a dinner or reception. Following the event, the proceedings are published; past symposia publications form a series of volumes, held in the Special Collections in the University Library.
Previous symposia have covered the whole range of academic disciplines, and cross-disciplinary symposia have been particularly encouraged. The financial support offered by the Society can provide invaluable seedcorn funding for symposia which might not otherwise have been able to run. 

View a list of all previous symposia.

Trustees of the society

President: Dr John Manley


  • Mrs Yvonne Ashton
  • Ms Kathy Curling
  • Professor Rachael Gooberman-Hill
  • Mr Alex Heath
  • Mr Andrew Monk (Chair of the Planning Committee)
  • Mr Dan Parkes
  • Professor Palie Smart
  • Professor Keith Syrett

All enquiries:


Read about the history of the society here.

"The support I received from the Bristol Collegiate Research Society Scholarship was incredibly helpful and impactful for me as a PhD student. The scholarship allowed me to attend my first conference in my academic career."

"This scholarship has not only lightened the financial burden but also empowered me to contribute meaningfully to my field, and I am eager to showcase the impact of this support on my academic and research endeavors." 

"Thanks to the scholarship provided by the Bristol Collegiate Research Society, I was able to attend one of the most important events in my area of research."

 - BCRS Travel award recipients 2023

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