DEO Support 2020

In 2020 we offered record amounts of support. You visited our website 177865 times, 3.8x compared to last year. 10K+ students attended Digitally Ready. 2K staff attended the Digital Design and Blended Learning & Teaching courses.You engaged with our new web guides 14K+ times.20 Schools/Centres use our templates.We provided 138 webinars, 6 times as many as last year. Click for full transcript.

190 dropins. 10801 tickets answered. 58% completed in a day, 72% in 3. Fast & efficient! My urgent problem was solved within hours of the service desk being open. You have helped with setting up templates, answering questions, writing guides, encouraging new ideas & always being there for academic staff. We answered your questions & will keep doing so. Happy New Year! Click for full transcript.

Finding support

You can find ideas and guidance on a variety of topics. If you have questions, email us or come to one of our drop-ins.

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