Working papers by author surname
Working papers by year of publication
Aassve, A
Abramovsky, L
Aoyagi, M
Aidt, T
Albano, G
Allen, R
Anderson, S
Andersson, F
Andreoni, J
Atkinson, A
Avenel, E
Baland, J
Banks, J
Bennett, J
Bentz, A
Berg, E
Bergès-Sennou, F
Besley, T
Bhalotra, S
Bittencourt, M
Blanden, J
Bolster, A
Bracht, J
Brewer, M
Briggs, A
Britton, J
Burchardt, T
Burgess, R
Burgess, S
- 14/333 Understanding the success of London's schools (PDF, 1,193kB)
- 12/294 The teacher labour market, teacher turnover and disadvantaged schools: new evidence for England
- 12/287 How should we treat under-performing schools? A regression discontinuity analysis of school inspections in England
- 11/276 Student effort and educational attainment: Using the England football team to identify the education production function
- 11/271 Raising your sights: the impact of friendship networks on educational aspirations
- 11/267 School ties: An analysis of homophily in an adolescent friendship network
- 11/265 Incentives in the Public Sector: Evidence from a Government Agency
- 10/246 A natural experiment in school accountability: the impact of school performance information on pupil progress and sorting
- 10/244 The early impact of Brighton and Hove’s school admission reforms
- 10/241 Evaluating the Provision of School Performance Information for School Choice
- 10/238 Choosing secondary school by moving house: school quality and the formation of neighbourhoods
- 09/224 'Parental choice of primary school in England: what ‘type’ of school do parents choose?'
- 09/222 'What Parents Want: School preferences and school choice'
- 09/221 'Test Scores, Subjective Assessment and Stereotyping of Ethnic Minorities'
- 09/219 'Do as the Neighbors Do: The Impact of Social Networks on Immigrant Employment'
- 09/216 'More Reliable Inference for Segregation Indices'
- 09/215 'Smarter Task Assignment or Greater Effort: the impact of incentives on team performance'
- 09/212 'Do teachers matter? Measuring the variation in teacher effectiveness in England'
- 08/204 'Segregation and the Attainment of Minority Ethnic Pupils in England'
- 08/187 'The Impact of Classroom Peer Groups on Pupil GCSE Results'
- 07/173 'Keeping Up With The Schmidts: An Empirical Test of Relative Deprivation Theory in the Neighbourhood Context'
- 07/172 'The Formation of School Peer Groups: Pupils' Transition from Primary to Secondary School in England'
- 06/161 'The Impact of Neighbourhood on the Income and Mental Health of British Social Renters'
- 06/158 'Using Boundary Changes to Estimate the Impact of School Competition on Test Scores'
- 06/157 'School Assignment, School Choice and Social Mobility'
- 06/159 'School Choice in England: Background Facts'
- 06/156 'Modelling the impact of pupil mobility on school differences in educational achievement'
- 06/155 '‘Sleep-Walking Towards Segregation’? The Changing Ethnic Composition of English Schools, 1997-2003 – an Entry Cohort Analysis'
Published in Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 2008, vol 33, issue 1, 73-90
- 06/145 'School and Residential Ethnic Segregation: An Analysis of Variations across England's Local Education Authorities'
- 06/142 'Ethnic segregation and educational performance at secondary school in Bradford and Leicester'
- 05/134 'Modelling Poverty by not Modelling Poverty: An Application of a Simultaneous Hazards Approach to the UK'
- 05/133 'Extending Choice In English Health Care: The implications of the economic evidence'
- 05/130 'The Dynamics of School Attainment of England's Ethnic Minorities'
- 05/128 'Who wins and who loses from school accountability? The distribution of educational gain in English secondary schools'
- 05/123 'Health Supplier Quality and the Distribution of Child Health'
- 04/113 'Evaluating the Impact of Performance-related Pay for Teachers in England'
- 04/111 'Sorting and Choice in English Secondary Schools'
- 04/106 'Neighbourhoods, Households and Income Dynamics: A semi-parametric investigation of Neighbourhood Effects'
- 04/103 'Incentives in the Public Sector: Evidence from a Government Agency'
- 04/099 'Local Neighbourhood and Mental Health: Evidence from the UK'
- 04/098 'The Impact of Low-Income on Child Health: Evidence from a Birth Cohort Study'
- 04/094 'Parallel lives? Ethnic segregation in the playground and the neighbourhood'
- 03/092 'School segregation in multi-ethnic England'
- 03/091 'Explaining differences in hospital performance: Does the answer lie in the labour market?'
- 03/086 'Ethnic Segregation in England's Schools'
- 03/084 'Girls Rock, Boys Roll: An Analysis of the Age 14-16 Gender Gap in English Schools'
- 03/077 'Competition and Quality: Evidence from the NHS Internal Market 1991 - 1999'
Published in The Economic Journal, 2008, vol 118, issue 525, 138-170
- 03/071 'The Role of Incentives in the Public Sector: Issues and Evidence'
- 02/055 'Maternity Rights and Mothers' Return to Work'
- 02/049 'Does Performance Monitoring Work? A Reivew of the Evidence from the UK Public Sector, Excluding Health Care'
- 01/037 'Team-Based Incentives in the NHS: An Economic Analysis'
- 01/036 'The Impact of Teacher Pay Reform on Pupil Attainment: An outline of the CMPO research project on the Performance Threshold'
- 01/035 'The Intricacies of the Relationship Between Pay and Performance for Teachers: Do teachers respond to Performance Related Pay schemes?'
- 00/028 'Incentive Pay and Product Market Competition'
- 00/027 'Does Competition Between Hospitals Improve the Quality of Care? Hospital Death Rates and the NHS Internal Market'
- 99/016 'Incentives in Organisations: A Selective Overview of the Literature with Application to the Public Sector'
- 99/015 'The Use of Incentive Schemes in the Public and Private Sectors: Evidence from British Establishments'
- 99/011 'The Class of '81: The Effects of Early-career Unemployment on Subsequent Unemployment Experiences'
Cannon, E
Carr, H
Cassan, G
Chakravarty, S
Clarke, P
Clots-Figueras, I
Coate, S
Courty, P
Cowan, D
Cowley, E
Crocker, K
Crook, T
Croxson, B
Damiani, M
Davies, N
Dawkins, P
Dewatripont, M
Dickins, R
Dickerson, A
Dickson, M
Dixon, J
Dusheiko, M
Farrell, L
Feintuck, M
Feltovich, N
Figuieres, C
Forrest, J
Francis, N
Francois, P
Gal-Or, E
Gaynor, M
Georgiadis, A
Gersbach, H
Gibbons, S
Giovannoni, F
Goldstein, H
Goodman, J
Gossage, D
Gravelle, H
Green, A
Green, K
Gregg, P
Griffith, R
Grout, P
Halonen-Akatwijuka, M
Harkness, S
Harris, R
Hart, O
Hinke Kessler Scholder, S
Hollingsworth, B
Hunter, C
Huxley, G
Iossa, E
Iyer, L
Janke, K
Jenkins, A
Jewitt, I
Johnston, D
Johnston, R
Jones, D
Jones, K
Kellner, C
Key, T
Kirkman, E
Knies, G
Lane, J
Leaver, C
Leckie, G
Lee, R
Li, J
Lockwood, B
Loss, F
Lupton, R
Machin, S
Macmillan, L
de Magalhães, L
Makris, M
Malavolti, E
Manski, C
Marsh, A
Marschke, G
Martimort, D
Metcalfe, P
de Meza, D
McConnell, B
McCormack, J
McDermont, M
McIntosh, S
Mitraille, S
Morrison, A
Newman, J
Neumark, D
O’Malley, P
Pafilis, E
Panagopoulos, A
Pande, R
Parcero, O
Park, I
Partington, M
Payne, A
Peacey, M
Pepper, J
Perkins, A
Pickering, A
Piebalga, A
Postel-Vinay, F
Poulsen, M
Prendergast, J
Propper, C
- 13/313 A decomposition analysis of the relationship between parental income and multiple child outcomes
(UPDATE OF 08/193)
- 13/312 Does Violent Crime Deter Physical Activity?
- 13/311 The Socioeconomic Gradient in Physical Inactivity in England
- 13/308 Herding Cats? Management and University Performance
- 13/306 Does Quality Affect Patients’ Choice of Doctor? Evidence from the UK
- 12/297 Free to Choose? Reform and Demand Response in the English National Health Service
- 12/296 Competition, Equity and Quality in Healthcare
- 12/293 'Does Wage Regulation Harm Kids? Evidence from English Schools'
- 12/281 Can governments do it better? Merger mania and hospital outcomes in the English NHS
- 11/274 Genetic Markers as Instrumental Variables
- 11/265 Incentives in the Public Sector: Evidence from a Government Agency
- 11/264 Child Mental Health and Educational Attainment: Multiple Observers and the Measurement Error Problem
- 11/263 Management practices: Are not-for-profits different?
- 11/262 Is Teenage Motherhood Contagious? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
- 10/245 Child height, health and human capital: evidence using genetic markers
- 10/242 Death by Market Power. Reform, Competition and Patient Outcomes in the National Health Service
- 10/237 The Impact of Competition on Management Quality: Evidence from Public Hospitals
- 10/232 Is there an Income Gradient in Child Health? It depends whom you ask
- 10/229 Genetic Markers as Instrumental Variables: An Application to Child Fat Mass and Academic Achievement
- 09/215 'Smarter Task Assignment or Greater Effort: the impact of incentives on team performance'
- 08/205 'Incentives and Targets in Hospital Care: Evidence from a Natural Experiment'
- 08/198 'Handedness and Child Developement'
- 08/193 'Understanding the Relationship between Parental Income and Multiple Child Outcomes: a decomposition analysis'
- 08/187 'The Impact of Classroom Peer Groups on Pupil GCSE Results'
- 08/184 ' Can pay regulation kill? Panel data evidence on the effect of labor markets on hospital performance'
- 07/179 ' Did ‘targets and terror’ Reduce Waiting Times in England for Hospital Care?'
Published in The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2008, vol 8, issue 1, article 5
- 07/173 ' Keeping Up With The Schmidts: An Empirical Test of Relative Deprivation Theory in the Neighbourhood Context'
- 07/172 ' The Formation of School Peer Groups: Pupils' Transition from Primary to Secondary School in England'
- 07/171 ' Comparing Subjective and Objective Measures of Health. Evidence from Hypertension for the Income/Health Gradient'
- 06/162 'Distance Travelled in the NHS in England for Inpatient Treatment'
- 06/161 ' The Impact of Neighbourhood on the Income and Mental Health of British Social Renters'
- 05/134 ' Modelling Poverty by not Modelling Poverty: An Application of a Simultaneous Hazards Approach to the UK'
- 05/133 ' Extending Choice In English Health Care: The implications of the economic evidence'
- 05/128 ' Who wins and who loses from school accountability? The distribution of educational gain in English secondary schools'
- 05/123 'Health Supplier Quality and the Distribution of Child Health'
- 05/116 ' Why Economics is Good for Your Health: 2004 Royal Economic Society Public Lecture'
- 04/113 'Evaluating the Impact of Performance-related Pay for Teachers in England'
- 04/106 'Neighbourhoods, Households and Income Dynamics: A semi-parametric investigation of Neighbourhood Effects'
- 04/103 'Incentives in the Public Sector: Evidence from a Government Agency'
- 04/099 'Local Neighbourhood and Mental Health: Evidence from the UK'
- 04/098 'The Impact of Low-Income on Child Health: Evidence from a Birth Cohort Study'
- 04/095 ' Mapping choice in the NHS: Analysis of routine data'
- 03/091 ' Explaining differences in hospital performance: Does the answer lie in the labour market?'
- 03/084 ' Girls Rock, Boys Roll: An Analysis of the Age 14-16 Gender Gap in English Schools'
- 03/077 'Competition and Quality: Evidence from the NHS Internal Market 1991 - 1999'
- 03/073 ' The Use and Usefulness of Performance Measures in the Public Sector'
- 02/055 ' Maternity Rights and Mothers' Return to Work'
- 02/049 ' Does Performance Monitoring Work? A Reivew of the Evidence from the UK Public Sector, Excluding Health Care'
- 01/037 'Team-Based Incentives in the NHS: An Economic Analysis'
- 01/035 ' The Intricacies of the Relationship Between Pay and Performance for Teachers: Do teachers respond to Performance Related Pay schemes?'
- 01/030 ' Expenditure on Health Care in the UK: A review of the issues'
- 00/027 ' Does Competition Between Hospitals Improve the Quality of Care? Hospital Death Rates and the NHS Internal Market'
- 00/020 'Waiting Times for Hospital Admissions: the Impact of GP Fundholding'
- 99/013 ' The Demand for Private Medical Insurance in the UK: A Cohort Analysis'
- 99/011 ' The Class of '81: The Effects of Early-career Unemployment on Subsequent Unemployment Experiences'
- 99/010 'The Organisation of Government Bureaucracies: the Choice Between Competition and Single Agency'
- 99/009 'A Larger Role for the Private Sector in Health Care?: A Review of the Arguments'
- 98/006 ' Does the UK have a Private Welfare Class?'
- 98/004 ' Private Demand and Public Provision: The Case of Private Health Care in the UK'
- 98/001 'Do doctors respond to financial incentives? UK family doctors and the GP fundholder scheme'
Prosser, T
Proud, S
Ratcliffe, A
Ratto, M
Rawlings, S
Rees, H
Reinstein, D
Rey, P
Rebitzer, J
Regner, T
Riener, G
Rigg, J
Robinson, H
Sanders, M
Sanderson, E
Santos, H
Sarker, R
Schnedler, W
Scott, C
Scharf, K
Scutella, R
Seidmann, D
Seiler, S
Selvaggi, M
Shearer, A
Shields, M
Simpson, H
Slater, H
Smith, S
Snell, A
Soest, A
Sonderegger, S
Stevens, M
Stroffolini, F
Sutton, M
Taylor, L
Tennyson, S
Thomas, A
Thomas, R
Tirole, J
Tominey, E
Tonks, I
Turon, H
Ulph, D
Umana-Aponte, M
Vadovic, R
Valente, C
Vergé, T
Vittori, C
Vogt, W
Vulkan, N
Wadsworth, J
Waldfogel, J
Washbrook, E
Whitnall, C
Wilson, D
Windmeijer, F
Yong, M
Zalewska, A