MICADAS Accelerator Mass Spectrometer
The heart of the BRAMS Facility is a MICADAS MIni CArbon DAting System. The Bristol MICADAS is equipped with a 200 kV tandem accelerator employing helium stripping, which gives a transmission of almost 50%, a cesium sputter ion source capable of accepting both solid and gas cathodes, and a state of the art gas ionisation detector detector. It is also one of the first AMS systems in the world to employ permanent 'green' magnet technology. This results in a much lower power consumption; whilst magnetic field strength and measurement stability remain excellent.
MICADAS Key Features
- 200 kV accelerator
- 48% transmission
- Permenant 'Green' Magnet technology
- 25 μA 12C+ current
- Measures 3.4 m x 2.6 m x 2 m
- Cs negative sputter ion source for solid and gaseous samples
- Ion source housing at ground potential (no cage required)
- 40 position sample magazine (can be changed without venting the ion source)