Workshop in Ecology and Behaviour: Dr Vivek Nityananda, Newcastle University

7 March 2023, 4.00 PM - 7 March 2023, 5.00 PM



How can we study insect attention and emotion?


Internal states such as locomotion and hunger can clearly influence insect visual behaviour. In our lab we are investigating evidence for other psychological states in insects such as attention, and what could be called emotion. We ask if and how these states influence their visual decision making. I will present our latest results from these experiments with mantises and bumblebees. I will finally discuss whether the behaviours we study can be compared to results from vertebrates and whether this approach is useful at all.

For more info on this speaker's work, please click here.

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Dr Vivek Nityananda in a blue sweater.

A bee hovers above a plant

Insect on white background white its left eye red and right eye purple

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