WEB Seminar: Dr. Njal Rollinson - University of Toronto

30 November 2021, 4.00 PM - 30 November 2021, 5.00 PM



Parental effects, extinction, and a resolution to the paradox of stasis


Directional selection on size is common in the wild but often fails to result in microevolution. Similarly, macroevolutionary rates in size are low relative to the observed strength of selection in nature, showing divergence only in deep time. This is the paradox of stasis. In this talk I show how very disparate processes can help account for a lack of response to selection in contemporary populations and divergence only in deep time. I also show how a correlated evolution of adult size and offspring size over deep time cannot be accounted for by contemporary life-history models, but provide a potential resolution to this problem. In sum, this talk explores patterns of selection on, and evolution of, adult size and offspring size, resolving some old issues and providing avenues for future inquiry.

You can check out Njal's homepage here.


Zoom details:


Meeting ID: 980 5667 6832

Passcode: 770305

Contact information

For more info please contact Karin Kjernsmo.

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