WEB Seminar: Dr. Manuela Gonzalez-Suarez - University of Reading

2 November 2021, 4.00 PM - 2 November 2021, 5.00 PM



Using trait-based models to evaluate and predict roads impact on wildlife 


Roads are prevalent features around the world, with few road-free areas remaining. These infrastructures and associated traffic can negatively impact wildlife populations, fragmenting habitat and causing direct mortality. Obtaining direct estimates of these impacts for large areas and broad taxonomic groups would be very time consuming and expensive. However, even without comprehensive estimates, we observed not all species were equally susceptible and suspected variation was related to the species’ morphological, ecological and behavioural characteristics. In this talk I will cover examples from diverse regions that show that indeed birds and mammals with different traits vary in their susceptibility to road impacts, and how modelling these relationships offers a tool for initial assessment and prediction of impacts for understudied areas and species.

You can check out Manuela's homepage here.


Zoom details:


Meeting ID: 980 5667 6832

Passcode: 770305

Contact information

For more info please contact Karin Kjernsmo.

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