Research Seminar: Dr Jolyon Troscianko - University of Exeter

29 November 2021, 1.00 PM - 24 August 2021, 2.00 PM

Dr Jolyon Troscianko hosted by Associate Professor Christos Ioannou

Senate House, room 5.10


Understanding evolution and behavioural ecology through modelling animal vision


Vision is critical to many aspects of an animal's behavioural and evolutionary ecology and I'll be exploring how advances in visual modelling have helped us to understand some of these processes. My talk will cover predator cognition and how this could impact the evolution of polymorphism, new techniques for understanding camouflage and phenotypic evolution, how artificial light might interfere with night-time visual ecology, and some brand new modelling work that calls into question a number of long-standing techniques we've taken for granted (with the aid of some fun visual illusions).

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