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The Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice has been designed for staff new to teaching at Bristol (who have a significant teaching role, e.g. Pathway 1 and Pathway 3 staff). The programme focuses on reflecting on and developing your teaching practice and is inspired by the Bristol Futures Curriculum Framework

The programme comprises two, 30 credit units at level 7:

  • Unit 1: Engaging Higher Education Students in their Learning. This unit has been designed to engage participants in developing their academic practice, with a particular focus on the design of and critical reflection on teaching and supporting learning practice. 
  • Unit 2: Higher Education Curriculum Development and Learning Design. 

 This unit has been designed to engage participants in developing their academic practice, with a particular focus on curriculum design and critical reflection on supporting learning practice within the wider higher education context.

Successful completion of both Unit 1 and Unit 2 leads to Advance HE Fellowship (Descriptor 2).

This is a work-based, part-time programme, so some of your time developing your teaching practice will occur on the job. Expect to plan at least 30 hours engaging with formal learning on each unit and then further time in order to: develop your teaching practice (on the job); and to engage with independent study and your assessment. See the Policy for staff participation in the CREATE scheme. 

New academic staff will be automatically contacted by the team with details of enrolment, alternatively you can apply for the next intake by completing the form CREATE for staff new to teaching at Bristol.

For queries contact:


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Policy for staff participation in the CREATE scheme

The policy underlines the University’s commitment to invest in and develop its staff, by enabling those appointed to a significant role in teaching (i.e., Pathway 1 and Pathway 3 staff) to gain professional recognition as Fellows of the Higher Education Academy (HEA). Read more...

CREATE Celebrates

View the portfolio award nominees for 2023 on the CREATE Celebrates page.

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