Dr Cathy Fuller


Musculoskeletal disease - specifically osteoarthritis, particularly in the horse and dog


Veterinary Science (BVSc) course

  • Anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis
  • Anatomy of exotic species
  • Living anatomy

Recent publications

  • CJ Fuller, ARS Barr, PA Dieppe (1996) Variations of an epitope of keratan sulphate in the normal equine joint. Equine Veterinary Journal 28, 6, 490 – 493
  • CJ Fuller, ARS Barr, M Sharif, PA Dieppe (2001) Cross-sectional comparison of synovial fluid biochemical markers in equine osteoarthritis and the correlation of these markers with articular cartilage damage. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 9, 49-55
  • CJ Fuller, ARS Barr, PA Dieppe, M Sharif (2001) Variation in cartilage catabolism in different equine joints in response to interleukin -1 in vitro.Veterinary Record. 148, 204-206
  • CJ Fuller, P Ghosh, ARS Barr, PA Dieppe (2002) Plasma and synovial fluid concentrations of Calcium Pentosan Polysulphate achieved in the horse following intramuscular injection.  Equine Veterinary Journal. 34 (1) 61 – 64
  • GR Colborne, JF Innes, EJ Comerford, MR Owen, and CJ Fuller (2005) Distribution of power across the hind limb joints in Labrador Retrievers and Greyhounds. American Journal of Veterinary Research 66 (9) 1563-71
  • CJ Fuller, B Bladon, AJ Driver, ARS Barr (2006) The intra- and inter- assessor reliability of measurement of functional outcome by lameness scoring in horses. The Veterinary Journal.  Vet J. Mar;171(2):281-6.
  • RE Weaver, M Sharif, LA Livingston, KL Andrews, CJ Fuller  (2006) Macroscopically normal articular cartilage in equine joints in which there are focal osteoarthritic lesions is macroscopically altered. Connective Tissue Research 47 92-101
  • Colborne GR, WalkerAM, Tattersall AJ, Fuller CJ. (2006) Effect of trotting velocity on work patterns of the hind limbs of greyhounds. American Journal of Veterinary Research 67 8 1293-1298
  • Thomas CM, Fuller CJ, Whittles CE, Sharif M (2007) Chondrocyte death by apoptosis is associated with cartilage matrix degradation. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. Jan 15 (1) 27-34
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