Emeritus Professor
University of Bristol and Department of Medical Physics UCL
Honorary research contracts at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH) NHS Trust and the Royal Veterinary College
Previously, Director of Institute of Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Science (IOMS), UCL and Head of Centre for Comparative and Clinical Anatomy University of Bristol
Past, President of the International Society for Fracture Repair and British Orthopaedic Research Society 

Research Interests 

My main interests are the influence of function on adaptation, repair and regeneration of skeletal tissues in the healthy, ageing, degenerate and diseased states; the clinical and commercial translation of this knowledge to the enhanced management of skeletal disorders. I have achieved significant advances in musculoskeletal research, in particular the factors inducing change in the biochemical and biomechanical properties of skeletal tissues.  Recently, I have been involved in developing a novel application of Raman spectroscopy in determination of the chemical composition of bone matrix and association of  bone matrix chemical fingerprints with specific bone disorders at an early state prior to overt clinical signs. 

Recent Publications


I have received the following awards and prizes: Animal Health Trust’s Scheering Plough Animal Health Veterinary Achievement Award, Equine Veterinary Journal Open Award, Clinical Biomechanics Award from the European Society of Biomechanics, and shares the 2006 Meggers award from the Society for Applied Spectroscopy (SAS).  Previously I was a member of the EPSRC peer review college. I was named Inventor on a number of patents resulting from the translational research and actively involved in two university spin-out companies, Stanmore Implants Worldwide (www.stanmoreimplants.com) and VetCell (www.vetcell.com). 

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