Progress monitoring

The regulations in this section cover annual progress monitoring for postgraduate research (PGR) students.

Guidance related to these regulations

Requirement to monitor student progress

11.1. The University requires PGR students to make satisfactory progress and to submit for examination within their maximum period of study. PGR students are monitored to ensure that they remain on track and their continued registration depends on satisfactory progress.

11.2. Supervisors regularly consider a PGR student’s progress. PGR students must also participate in formal annual progress monitoring.

11.3. If a PGR student’s progress is identified as unsatisfactory as a result of annual progress monitoring or by another source, the student can be provided with enhanced academic support.

11.4. If a PGR student’s progress remains unsatisfactory after enhanced academic support, the student must enter the unsatisfactory progress procedure

11.5. Any progression rules for integrated taught components of doctoral degrees are covered by the regulations and code of practice for taught programmes.

Annual progress monitoring

11.6. Annual progress monitoring involves a reviewer/s assessing a PGR student’s progress including a part of the student’s work. The assessment must include a review meeting with the student.

11.7. All PGR students, both full- and part-time, must participate in annual progress monitoring each year. For part-time PGR students, the reviewer/s must adjust their expectations to reflect the student’s part-time status.

11.8. Annual progress monitoring activities, such as the student’s submission of written work and the review meeting, must be postponed if a PGR student is on sick leave, short-term exceptional leave or on suspension when those activities are scheduled to take place.

11.9 Annual progress monitoring must be paused during any period where a PGR student is participating in enhanced academic support, the unsatisfactory progress procedure, or a registration review panel.

11.10. Annual progress monitoring must fulfil the following requirements:

11.10.1. Provide a formal review point for each year of the PGR student’s period of study.

11.10.2. Establish whether a PGR student is making satisfactory progress.

11.10.3. Enable the PGR student and main supervisor to express any concerns they have about progress.

11.10.4. Confirm whether the PGR student is well supported and can overcome any practical or academic obstacles in their plans for progressing.

11.10.5. Provide the PGR student with the opportunity to discuss their research, to reflect on their progress, and to gain experience that will be relevant for an oral examination.

11.10.6. Provide an opportunity to discuss the PGR student’s personal and professional development in the context of their overall progress.

11.11. As a minimum, annual progress monitoring must involve the following:

11.11.1. The PGR student must submit a written report or piece of work and complete a review form.

11.11.2. The reviewer/s must make an independent assessment of the PGR student’s progress.

11.11.3. The PGR student and their main supervisor must provide comments for the review.

11.11.4. For at least one annual review point, the PGR student must upload a substantial piece of writing to Turnitin. The text-comparison Turnitin report must be included in the review documentation and discussed with the reviewer/s. More information is provided in the academic integrity and research degrees section.

Additional progress requirements

11.12. Any subject- or programme-specific requirements, including any funder or sponsor obligations, must be considered as part of annual progress monitoring if this is necessary. The PGR student and the main supervisor must ensure that any additional progress requirements are met.

Reasonable adjustments

11.13. PGR Students with a disability can be offered reasonable adjustments for annual progress monitoring, as this is a form of assessment. Students must contact Disability Services for advice.

11.14. If necessary, a Study Support Plan (SPP) from Disability Services will make recommendations for reasonable adjustments appropriate for the PGR student. The student’s supervisors must ensure that the School PGR Director and the reviewer/s are aware of the Study Support Plan.

11.15. The reviewer/s, under guidance from the School PGR Director and/or the Faculty PGR Director, must take any recommendations for reasonable adjustments specified in a Study Support Plan into account during annual progress monitoring.

Outcome of the review

11.16. The School PGR Director (or nominee) must evaluate the comments, feedback and recommendations that result from the review meeting.

11.17. The PGR student must receive a copy of the report on their progress, and they must have an opportunity to comment on the report.

11.18. Any participant can escalate significant concerns on annual progress monitoring to the Faculty PGR Director.

11.19. As a result of the review, the PGR student can progress to the next year either unconditionally or subject to the completion of specific targets. If the student’s progress has been identified as unsatisfactory by a reviewer, the student might be required to receive enhanced academic support