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Unit information: Making Ideas Happen in 2025/26

Please note: Programme and unit information may change as the relevant academic field develops. We may also make changes to the structure of programmes and assessments to improve the student experience.

Unit name Making Ideas Happen
Unit code INOV30007
Credit points 20
Level of study H/6
Teaching block(s) Teaching Block 2 (weeks 13 - 24)
Unit director Ms. Cole
Open unit status Not open
Units you must take before you take this one (pre-requisite units)

Ideation for Innovation (Level 6)

Units you must take alongside this one (co-requisite units)


Units you may not take alongside this one


School/department Centre for Innovation
Faculty Faculty of Arts

Unit Information

Why is this unit important?

This unit takes you through a sequence which enables you to conceptualise and enact plans which are necessary to make an idea happen. This includes the validation of an original idea with external audiences, identification of markets and groups willing to adopt your ideas and the development of strategies and planned activities to drive take-up including market analysis, marketing and competitor analysis.

How does this unit fit into your programme of study?

This unit builds on the ideation techniques learned in TB1 of year 3. Through group work, individual reflection and practical application you will learn how to market and validate ideas that you have generated.

Your learning on this unit

An overview of content

This unit will cover how to develop out ideas in the real world - both commercial and socially driven. Building on theories of marketing and market evaluation, students will learn how to develop strategies to increase impact and reach for ideas they have developed. Through practical application, research, analysis and testing, you will learn how to validate concepts and formulate dynamic strategies. Students will develop responsive plans and devise actions based on metrics which will enable them to reflect on the efficacy of their ideas.

How will students, personally, be different as a result of the unit

This unit will give you a starting point for the management and development of a new idea. You will gain the confidence to market your ideas by

1) identifying people that need and want what you deliver.

2) learning how to plan forward to build growth and traction.

Learning Outcomes

By the completion of this unit students should be able to:

1. Assess and apply from a range of tools, appropriate approaches to develop a market proposition for a new idea
2. Critically evaluate the market potential for a new idea through research, analysis and validity testing
3. Construct business style marketing strategies and plans to cover the aspects of the route to market, including actions and metrics
4. Devise novel and creative ways to communicate ideas to different external audiences

How you will learn

Students will learn through practical, studio-based workshop sessions. Generative methods will be used to allow students to produce new ideas and strategies and test their validity with external audiences.

How you will be assessed

How you will be assessed:

Tasks which do not count towards your unit mark but are required for credit (zero-weighted):

Team Project

A collaboratively produced team resource documenting ideas and ideation processes, 2000 words or equivalent (0%, Required for Credit) [ILOs 1-4]

For the Team Project, the word count will be shared across the group

Tasks which count towards your unit mark (summative):

Marketing Plan, 3000 words or equivalent, (100%) [ILOs 1-4]

An individual marketing plan covering the application and evaluation of different management tools and techniques.

When assessment does not go to plan

When required by the Board of Examiners, you will normally complete reassessments in the same formats as those outlined above. However, the Board reserves the right to modify the form or number of reassessments required. Details of reassessments are normally confirmed by the Centre shortly after the notification of your results at the end of the academic year.


If this unit has a Resource List, you will normally find a link to it in the Blackboard area for the unit. Sometimes there will be a separate link for each weekly topic.

If you are unable to access a list through Blackboard, you can also find it via the Resource Lists homepage. Search for the list by the unit name or code (e.g. INOV30007).

How much time the unit requires
Each credit equates to 10 hours of total student input. For example a 20 credit unit will take you 200 hours of study to complete. Your total learning time is made up of contact time, directed learning tasks, independent learning and assessment activity.

See the University Workload statement relating to this unit for more information.

The Board of Examiners will consider all cases where students have failed or not completed the assessments required for credit. The Board considers each student's outcomes across all the units which contribute to each year's programme of study. For appropriate assessments, if you have self-certificated your absence, you will normally be required to complete it the next time it runs (for assessments at the end of TB1 and TB2 this is usually in the next re-assessment period).
The Board of Examiners will take into account any exceptional circumstances and operates within the Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes.
