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Unit information: Year 1 BDS in 2024/25

Please note: Programme and unit information may change as the relevant academic field develops. We may also make changes to the structure of programmes and assessments to improve the student experience.

Unit name Year 1 BDS
Unit code ORDS10019
Credit points 120
Level of study C/4
Teaching block(s) Academic Year (weeks 1 - 52)
Unit director Mrs. Liz Gaze
Open unit status Not open
Units you must take before you take this one (pre-requisite units)


Units you must take alongside this one (co-requisite units)


Units you may not take alongside this one


School/department Bristol Dental School
Faculty Faculty of Health Sciences

Unit Information


Year 1 BDS provides the early education and training within a curriculum based on the student dentist as a Person and Citizen, a Scientist and Scholar, a Practitioner, and a Professional and Agent of change. These major themes comprise ‘helical’ themes, with fundamental active and experiential learning in Year 1 which will seamlessly extend throughout the five year programme to allow progression towards achieving the requisite learning outcomes necessary to become a registered dentist.

Initially a 10-week Foundations of Dentistry course will provide an introduction to student life and study at University. Course content will include study skills teaching; introductory biomedical sciences teaching essential for later activities within the Year and programme; fundamentals of communication, ethics and teamworking; and introduction to clinics and observational assisting. Foundations of Dentistry will conclude with a conference where students present a topic of particular interest to them.

The remainder of the unit will focus on the Student Dentist as a Practitioner with learning through structured clinical topics, each of these supported by appropriate biomedical and social sciences teaching, and with opportunities for interprofessional learning and teamwork with students training to be dental hygienists and therapists.

In Year 1 there will be strong focus on wellbeing and study skills, as part of the initial delivery of ‘Student Dentist as Person and Citizen’ helical themes. Project work and early focus on evidence-based dentistry will contribute, with biomedical sciences teaching, to ‘Scholar and Scientist’ themes, and professionalism and accountability emphasised alongside opportunities for teamwork with peers and with hygiene and therapist students, within ‘Professional and Agent of Change’ helical themes.


  1. To welcome the student as a valued member of the Bristol Dental School community
  2. To develop the student as an adult learner and inspire them in the study of dentistry
  3. To ensure a thorough understanding of the basic underlying scientific principles of the form and function of the human body with particular focus on the head and neck
  4. To encourage students to view health, illness and health care within social, cultural and ethical contexts
  5. To provide opportunities for students to become familiar with, and safe within, the clinical environment
  6. To introduce the student to the NHS healthcare environment and dental healthcare teams
  7. To initiate training in communication skills and use of dental terminology
  8. To start developing students’ professional behaviour and understanding of the duty of candour
  9. To train and certify the student in basic life support
  10. To support students in beginning to deal with the complexity, uncertainty and change inherent in dental practice

Your learning on this unit

Year 1 initiates delivery of the following GDC Preparing for Practice (2015) learning outcomes (LOs) (to be continued in subsequent years of the programme).

A. Knowledge and Understanding

  1. OVERARCHING OUTCOME - Recognise the role and responsibility of being a registrant and demonstrate professionalism through their education, training and practice in accordance with GDC guidance
  2. OVERARCHING OUTCOME - Recognise the importance of lifelong learning and apply it to practice
  3. CLINICAL - Individual patient care - GDC LOs 1.1.5, 1.1.8, 1.1.10
  4. CLINICAL - Patient Management - GDC LOs 1.7.9
  5. CLINICAL - Health promotion and disease prevention - GDC LOs 1.10.1
  6. CLINICAL - Hard and soft tissue disease - GDC LOs 1.12.1
  7. CLINICAL - Population-based health and care - GDC LOs 2.1
  8. COMMUNICATION - Patients, their representatives and the public - GDC LOs 3.2
  9. PROFESSIONALISM - Ethical and legal - GDC LOs 7.4
  10. PROFESSIONALISM - Teamwork - GDC LOs 8.3

B. Intellectual skills and attributes


  1. OVERARCHING OUTCOME - Describe the principles of good research, how to access research and interpret it for use as part of an evidence-based approach to practice
  2. OVERARCHING OUTCOME - Apply an evidence-based approach to learning, practice, clinical judgment and decision making and utilise critical thinking and problem solving skills
  3. OVERARCHING OUTCOME - Accurately assess their own capabilities and limitations, demonstrating reflective practice, in the interest of high quality patient care and act within these boundaries
  4. CLINICAL - Individual patient care - GDC LOs 1.1.1-2

C. Other skills and attributes (practical/professional/transferable)

  1. OVERARCHING OUTCOME - Practise safely and effectively, making the high quality long term care of patients the first concern
  2. CLINICAL - Individual patient care - GDC LOs 1.1.3-4, 1.1.6-9, 1.1.13
  3. CLINICAL - Comprehensive patient assessment - GDC LOs 1.2.1-2, 1.2.5-6
  4. CLINICAL - Treatment planning - GDC LOs 1.5.3-4
  5. CLINICAL - Patient management - GDC LOs 1.7.1-2, 1.7.4
  6. CLINICAL - Patient and public safety - GDC LOs 1.8.1-7
  7. CLINICAL - Health promotion and disease prevention - GDC LOs 1.10.2-4, 1.10.7
  8. CLINICAL - Management and treatment of periodontal disease - GDC LOs 1.11.1
  9. CLINICAL - Management of the developing and developed dentition – GDC LOs 1.13.1, 1.13.3
  10. COMMUNICATION - Patients, their representatives and the public - GDC LOs 3.1--4
  11. COMMUNICATION - Team and the wider healthcare environment - GDC LOs 4.1, 4.3-4
  12. COMMUNICATION - Generic communication skills - GDC LOs 5.1, 5.3-5
  13. PROFESSIONALISM - Patients and the public - GDC LOs 6.2-5
  14. PROFESSIONALISM - Ethical and legal - GDC LOs 7.1-3, 7.5
  15. PROFESSIONALISM - Teamwork - GDC LOs 8.1-2
  16. PROFESSIONALISM - Development of self and others – GDC LOs 9.1-4, 9.6-7
  17. MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP - Managing self - GDC LOs 10.1-3, 10.6-8
  18. MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP - Managing and working with others - GDC LOs 11.1-3, 11.5, 11.7-9
  19. MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP - Managing the clinical and working environment - GDC LOs 12.1-2, 12.5

Year 1 initiates delivery of Bristol Skills Framework learning outcomes and attributes (to be continued in subsequent years of the programme)

How you will learn

The teaching and learning methods to be adopted in Year 1 reflect the aim of developing students as adult learners, whilst recognising that this takes time to develop. From day one, students should feel they are preparing to become a dentist. They should learn to study with support of their peers, mentors and lecturers. Practical procedures and learning with students from the full dental team are all highly valued.

The teaching methods used are:

  • Lecture-style content, and use of the 'flipped' classroom
  • Peer group work
  • Private study time, supported by library and electronic learning
  • Electronic learning packages (supporting teaching, self-directed learning and formative assessment)
  • Practical teaching: laboratory, anatomy, clinical skills
  • Clinical environments; clinical biosciences
  • Access to dentists, scientists, researchers, allied health professionals and community health teams

Students will be pre-allocated to act as patients for a variety of their peers during the course of these sessions. This teaching approach enables students to develop the necessary skills and attitudes required for treating the diverse range of patients that will be encountered during the programme and within the wider population. Using peers as patients effectively supports the development of practical and patient management skills required for the transition to first patient care, and is underpinned by a range of General Dental Council Learning Outcomes within the domains of clinical care, communication, professionalism, and management and leadership (see 'Intended Learning Outcomes' above). Procedures where students will be required to act as patients include: history taking, examination of the head and neck, examination of the oral cavity (including the charting of teeth and periodontium), recording plaque indices, oral health advice, removal of dental deposits (as appropriate), suction practice, impression taking, and the delivery of local anaesthesia. This teaching approach will be fully supported by a process of informed consent, and an appropriate level of supervision by clinical teaching staff.

How you will be assessed

Summative assessment

An integrated, programmatic assessment delivered at the end of Year 1, comprising two parts.

The End of Year 1 Summative Assessments will be taken as a first attempt in May/June and, if required, as a second attempt (resit) in July.

Part 1) Knowledge examinations

This consists of two components whereby marks are combined to give an aggregate for the Part.

  • A 2-hour Multiple Short Answer (MSA)
  • A 2-hour Single Best Answer (SBA)
  • Contributes 60% of the total unit mark.

Part 2) Objective Structured Practical (OSPE)/Spotter:

  • 1 hour
  • Contributes 40% of the total Unit mark.

Students must achieve a minimum standard set pass mark (scaled to 50%) for each Part in order to pass the Unit. There is no compensation permitted between the Parts.

In accordance with University regulations, students will be permitted two attempts at summative assessments in Year 1. Dependent on extenuating circumstances, a student may be permitted a second attempt at Year 1 or otherwise will be required to withdraw from the programme.

Demonstrating satisfactory engagement

Students must demonstrate satisfactory engagement with the programme, as set out in the student progression requirements for Year 1 in the BDS Assessment Handbook.

Satisfactory engagement with the programme will be determined by the Progress Committee which meets termly. The committee will monitor engagement against the engagement and progression criteria, review performance in 'must pass' assessments and monitor levels of professionalism.

A student who has not demonstrated satisfactory and appropriate engagement with the programme, nor reached a satisfactory level of professionalism (as determined by level of engagement and any other evidence relating to professionalism presented to the Progress Committee) will not be permitted to progress to Year 2.

Progression to Year 2

In order to progress to Year 2 of the BDS programme students must pass the End of Year 1 summative assessments at first or second (resit) attempt as determined by the Board of Examiners and demonstrate Satisfactory Engagement with the programme as determined by the Progress Committee.


If this unit has a Resource List, you will normally find a link to it in the Blackboard area for the unit. Sometimes there will be a separate link for each weekly topic.

If you are unable to access a list through Blackboard, you can also find it via the Resource Lists homepage. Search for the list by the unit name or code (e.g. ORDS10019).

How much time the unit requires
Each credit equates to 10 hours of total student input. For example a 20 credit unit will take you 200 hours of study to complete. Your total learning time is made up of contact time, directed learning tasks, independent learning and assessment activity.

See the University Workload statement relating to this unit for more information.

The Board of Examiners will consider all cases where students have failed or not completed the assessments required for credit. The Board considers each student's outcomes across all the units which contribute to each year's programme of study. For appropriate assessments, if you have self-certificated your absence, you will normally be required to complete it the next time it runs (for assessments at the end of TB1 and TB2 this is usually in the next re-assessment period).
The Board of Examiners will take into account any exceptional circumstances and operates within the Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes.
