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Unit information: The Ethics of Migration and Citizenship in 2014/15

Please note: you are viewing unit and programme information for a past academic year. Please see the current academic year for up to date information.

Unit name The Ethics of Migration and Citizenship
Unit code PHIL30118
Credit points 20
Level of study H/6
Teaching block(s) Teaching Block 2 (weeks 13 - 24)
Unit director Professor. Chris Bertram
Open unit status Not open




School/department Department of Philosophy
Faculty Faculty of Arts

Description including Unit Aims

Migration is an increasingly important topic in political philosophy as it raises key questions about the nature and limits of state power, about human rights, obligations to refugees, the nature of membership and citizenship, distributive justice on a global and national scale and about the duties of states to tolerate different cultures and forms of life. The course aims to provide an analytical introduction to and critical overview of recent philosophical debates on these issues.

Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

1. Explain the main philosophical arguments for and against the right of states to manage migration and their connection to positions in debates on global justice.

2. Explain the main philosophical disagreements around the concepts of citizenship, toleration and multiculturalism.

3. Explain the key arguments around the rights of refugees, their human rights and state obligations to them.

4. conduct a small-scale independent research project

5. present sophisticated arguments in structured writing

Teaching Information

1-hour lecture and 1-hour seminar per week

Assessment Information

1 x 2000 word essay (25% of assessment), assesses ILOs 1-5

2-hour unseen examination (75% of assessment). assesses ILOs 1-3, 5

Reading and References

Joseph Carens, The Ethics of Immigration (Oxford, 2013)

Christopher Heath Wellman and Phillip Cole, Debating the Ethics of Immigration (Oxford 2011).

Michael Dummett, On Immigration and Refugees (Routledge, 2001).

Ayelet Shachar, The Birthright Lottery (Harvard, 2009).
