Mild cognitive impairment core outcomes study

A study looking for individuals diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), or people who have experience caring for, working with, or living with people with MCI.


If you would like to take part, or have questions, please get in touch:

Victoria Gabb, email 

cartoon image of a brain

Who is the study looking for?

The study is looking for individuals diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in the last 12 months, or people who have experience caring for, working with, or living with people with MCI. People with MCI experience problems with their thinking and/or memory but are still able to carry out their normal activities.

What does the study involve?

The study involves asking you what you think is most important to measure and consider when evaluating the success of something that hopes to improve the life of someone with MCI (e.g., a drug or lifestyle change).

The study will ask you to complete two surveys and may also ask if you’d be willing to take part in some interviews, to help decide what matters most.  

You can take part remotely (e.g., online) or in-person.

I’m interested. What next?

Please contact Victoria Gabb by email at The study team can send you more information about the study, and answer any questions you may have.

woman smiling and text saying can you help improve research into mild cognitive impairment

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