Great Bristol Half Marathon FAQs

Q1: Once I have signed up and paid for my entry online what happens next?

You will be added to our Bristol wave mailout where you will be contacted regularly with training and other relevant information. We will also send your email address to the race organisers who will email you from around 6-8 weeks before the event date. This email will contain a link to redeem your entry token.

Please note this token will need to be redeemed to generate your personalised race number or you will not be able to run.

Q2: I have just signed up on the University online store and realised that I am away on the race day, please can I have a refund?

Once your payment is accepted, your fee is not refundable unless supported by a doctor's note. If this is the case, please send a doctor's note and covering letter stating that you would like to be withdrawn from the event to: You will also be able to sell your entry on to a University staff | student member up until 3rd April 2019 however you must inform us and send details of the new runner to the above email.

Q3: I have already paid for a place as an individual runner through the Great Run. If I take part as team member with the University can I get a refund for the difference between the full price and the discounted price, please?

This year yes, you are able to. Please email: with confirmation of the purchase & the email address used to make the booking with the Great Run Company.

Q4: I have friends / family who are not university employees or students, can they join the group?

The discounted rate is only available to students, staff and alumni of the University of Bristol. If you have contacts that have entered the event with Great Bristol Half Marathon and would like to join the wave please contact: with the title ‘Non-Uni Runner’ stating:

a. Full name

b. Email address

c. GBR Unique reference numbers

d. T-shirt Size [Please note that t-shirts are Unisex and on the generous size and will cost £6.00]

Q5: Can I enter if I plan to walk the route?

We are advertising and promoting the event as a run [or jog…or walk] and hope that everyone entering will challenge themselves to achieve the distance in this way. We will be able to support all new runners through a tailormade training plan which will help build people up to the 10k from having never done anything before. We understand the idea of a run may well put some people off and understand that some people will be keen to do a combination of walking and jogging the distance, something which we are very supportive of and would expect all entrants to try during the challenge. To aid this, we will coordinate run groups for all levels, all of which will be peer lead & on Sunday 24th March 2019 we will be coordinating a free 5k event for you.

Q6: What if I have a disability that limits my mobility?

[e.g. I can only walk and not run.] We would love anyone with any disability to join in with the event and are keen for as many people as possible to be included. We just ask that you make sure you flag your disability and any need for extra support on the online booking form so that we can make sure these are catered for.

Q7: Can we enter as a group?

Each participant needs to enter individually via the website, but you can run as a group on the day within our red & maroon wave.

Q8: Which charities can I raise money for?

We will be challenging all runners to try and raise money. You can raise money for any selected charity you choose but we encourage you to run for our 2019 partner Healthy Minds. You can find out more about the initiative on our webpage. If you do fundraise, we would love to hear how you get on; please let us know via:

Q9: I am a new runner, what support can I get from the University?

The University and Students’ Union has increased its offer of group run training, especially for the event.

Existing student groups such as Athletics and Cross-Country and Triathlon offer lots of running opportunities. Check out the SU website for club details.

New running groups are being established, for students and staff, led by qualified run leaders. Information will be made available on our 10k webpage.

There are plenty of complimentary activities that new and existing runners may find helpful in support of their training [Pilates, Yoga, etc.] available through the B:Active programmes.

If you have any concerns about readiness to run, the University's Sports Medicine Clinic can advise on injury prevention and existing conditions.

Q10: How can I help out with the organisation of the event?

If you would like to be involved in any way, as well as or instead of, running in the event then please contact us via: with the title ‘I want to volunteer’. We have a group of volunteer run leaders and supporters for the running groups as well as opportunities for a group of administration volunteers who are assisting with such things as promotion, marketing, social media and on the day logistics. If you think you could help, we would love to hear from you!

Q11: Are there any other programmes offered by the University which may help me get fit for the run?

Sport at the University of Bristol offers a whole range of different programmes and activities which can help prepare your mind and body for the run [alongside your run training]. See Q:9 for more information.

Q12: How can I find other people in my area of work/study who are taking part?

We will be creating a ‘Bristol Great Run Community’ Facebook page where people can communicate with each other. The hope is that people can meet and communicate, share routes, training ideas, thoughts on nutrition etc. via these forums. If you find people on here and want to set up individual groups, please feel free to do so but ensure you let the organising committee know of any activities you want to advertise relating to training etc.

Q13: I am not sure of my running ability; will I be able to keep up if I join one of the groups running sessions?

It is recommended that you attend one of the Beginner sessions to start with if you are unsure of how you will manage. These groups will accommodate all abilities and speeds and you will never be too slow. If you cannot run all through the session to start with this is fine and you should not worry. These sessions are here to help everyone improve.

Q14: Where will we meet on the day?

We will be hosting a specific Bristol wave meeting point before the event and taking our mass entry over collectively. Most people will meet us here; however, you are able to come and meet us at the race start point directly should you wish. More details will be sent to you nearer race day.

Book your place

Once your payment is accepted, your fee is not refundable unless supported by a doctor's note. If this is the case please send a doctor's note and covering letter stating that you would like to be withdrawn from the event to: The University of Bristol, Indoor Sports Centre, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol. BS8 1TP.

Or you can scan it and email to

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