Aegis Professorship Programme

The SPO initiated its Aegis Professor scheme in 2019. Our Professors are recruited from industry, business and government and, as a cohort, represent a hugely diverse range of expertise. They contribute to research and teaching strategy, provide mentorship, and identify synergies between academia and industry. Over their four-year term they provide a wealth of connections to the Faculty while benefiting from University expertise and facilities.

Support from our Aegis Professors includes, but is not limited to:

  • Providing challenges, mentorship and feedback in our Aegis Professor Undergraduate Competition
  • Coaching staff for Fellowship applications
  • Active membership of Industrial Advisory Boards and Networks.
  • Advising on University strategy through attendance at termly meetings and formal events such as University Court
  • Hosting site visits for students and staff at their places of employment.

You can find out more about our individual Aegis Professors below.


If you would like more information on Aegis Professors, please contact the Aegis Professors Mailbox.

‘Aegis’ is an ancient Greek term meaning support or guidance. Our Aegis Scheme provides a range of activities intended to guide and support students and staff, overseen by our cohort of honorary Aegis Professors.

Aegis Professors in the Faculty of Science and Engineering

For more information about our Aegis Professors and their work with us, please click on the links below.

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