Temple Quarter Engagement Fund

The Public Engagement team manages and delivers the Temple Quarter Engagement Fund. The fund enables students and staff to deliver activities and projects that have benefits for local communities, businesses and partners. It supports staff and students to meet our aspirations to be a global civic university, as exemplified by the Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus. You can read about projects that have previously been supported by this fund. Details of the fund and how to apply can be found below:


You can apply if you are:

External partners are encouraged to be co-applicants alongside a current student or staff member.

How to apply

Read the guidance and then apply using the online application form.


The deadline for the next round is Friday 25th March 2022. Please note that this is likely to be the final round for exactly this model of funding. Going forward, the plans are to redevelop the fund in line with our civic aspirations for the whole University. It is likely that the ethos of the fund will remain but details, including the name and funding amounts, may change; however these have yet to be finalised.

Assessment process

Applications are assessed by members of the Public Engagement team and Temple Quarter Engagement Board. We aim to confirm the outcome of your application within a month of the submission deadline.

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