Taster sessions

Next mindfulness taster sessions for staff

• Tuesday 31st March, 4-6pm
• Tuesday, 12th May, 2.15pm-3.30pm

Venue: In the Centre for Sport, Exercise and Health, Tyndall Avenue, in a room called 'The Space'

These taster session offers you the opportunity to experience mindfulness practices and how they can be helpful in supporting you to manage everyday stress and anxiety. Mindfulness is about learning to notice our experience without making judgements about what is happening to us. We learn the skills of mindfulness through formal practices, such as sitting or movement meditation, and then we develop skills for taking this detailed way of noticing into our day to day lives. The awareness that comes from mindfulness practice helps us to see when we are living on ‘auto-pilot’ or getting caught in trying to problem-solve our emotional experiences. Mindfulness offers us a choice about how to be with difficulty in our lives, so that we are able to respond, rather than react to what is happening.

The taster session will include two guided meditation practices with time afterwards to explore your experience. You will be given a handout to support a short practice you can begin to use daily. The session will also include information about what to expect from a full-length, 8 week mindfulness course.

The taster session will be co-led by Alice Malpass and Sarah Millband, who have both trained to teach mindfulness at the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice, School of Psychology, Bangor University. (http://www.bangor.ac.uk/mindfulness/) and both adhere to the Good Practice Guidelines for Mindfulness Teachers. To cover costs for travel and teaching, we usually ask for £6 .

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