Strategies to reduce the burden of Antibiotic Resistance in China
UK-China AMR Partnerships Initiative is a cross-institutional research and capacity-building programme focusing on antibiotic resistance in China.
Project Background
China is estimated to be the second largest consumer of antibiotics in the world, with widespread and often inessential use in both humans and livestock. Studies have investigated the epidemiology and pattern of drug-resistant infections in China, but the scale of health and economic burdens caused by antibiotic resistance (ABR), and the role of the environment in the development and transmission of drug resistance, are still unclear.
This collaborative research and training programme is designed to support the reduction of ABR in China, bringing together a team of international experts from three major Universities in Eastern China – Peking, Fudan and Anhui Medical - with researchers at the University of Bristol, Public Health England, North Bristol NHS Trust and the Universities of Southampton, Leicester and Bath.
Project Aim
The aim of the project is to design, deliver and monitor targeted strategies to limit ABR in China, bridging evidence gaps and strengthening disciplinary and methodological research skills in China.
Project objectives will be addressed through three interdisciplinary work packages:
Work Package (WP) 1
WP1 will develop and testing the effectiveness of an intervention to modify antibiotic prescribing among health professionals and reduce antibiotic consumption through a randomised controlled trial (led by Anhui Medical University and University of Bristol)
Work Package (WP) 2
WP2 will assess human exposure to antibiotics from environmental and therapeutic sources and explore policy contexts of antibiotic usage (led by Fudan University and University of Bath)
Work Package (WP) 3
WP3 will assess trends of antibiotic use and resistance in hospital settings and estimate the economic burden of ABR and cost-effectiveness of different intervention strategies in China (led by Peking University and University of Leicester)
Anticipated Impacts
By determining the magnitude of the ABR burden and assessing the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of different interventions to reduce it, better targeted strategies for ABR reduction can be created.
The resulting policy and practice recommendations will inform the behaviour, service, system and regulatory changes required to maintain a reduction in ABR in China, with positive consequences for the region and even globally.
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