
The Centre for Ethics in Medicine comprises a vibrant mix of research, teaching and administrative staff. It is a supportive environment for early career researchers, and we encourage you to get in touch with individual members of staff if you have queries about their work, or wish to collaborate. Use the links below to browse the profiles of our staff, PhD students and affiliates.

Director (on Study leave until August 2025)

Acting Director (until August 2025)

Acting Deputy Director (until August 2025)

Teaching and Research team

Administrative team

Honorary staff and affiliated

Professional backgrounds of staff and PGR students at the Centre for Ethics in Medicine

The professional backgrounds of staff and postgraduate research students currently at the Centre for Ethics in Medicine are wide-ranging across academia and healthcare.

Academic backgrounds include Philosophy, Law, Social Policy and Psychology, and healthcare workers include nurses, doctors, paramedic, and hospital chaplain. 

Professional backgrounds of CEM Research staff and PGR students (August 2021)

  • Academic - 54%
  • Doctor - 20%
  • Nurse - 13%
  • Hospital Chaplain - 6.5%
  • Paramedic - 6.5%

Disciplines of CEM Academic Staff and PGR students (August 2021)

  • Philosophy and Politics - 37.5%
  • Health Policy - 12.5%
  • Law - 12.5%
  • Philosophy - 12.5%
  • Psychology - 12.5%
  • Social Policy - 12.5%
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