Electronic structure of novel quantum materials
Investigating novel materials ranging from unconventional superconductors, topological insulators and frustrated magnets, with the aim of understanding the exotic ordering of their constituent spins, charges and orbitals.
High-performance scientific computing
Developing algorithms and efficient codes for solving complex physics problems in diverse areas exploiting state-of-the-art scientific computing resources.
Non-equilibrium many-body physics
Studying non-equilibrium phenomena in many-body systems, ranging from ultra-cold atoms to strongly correlated electron materials, with a focus on understanding the nature of entanglement and correlations in their quantum states.
Quantum information and foundations
Researching fundamental aspects of quantum physics by uncovering seemingly paradoxical new quantum effects that together point to a deeper understanding of its foundations.
Statistical, liquid state and soft matter physics
Developing theories for bulk phases and structure at interfaces for complex fluids such as colloids and knotted macromolecules by applying Monte Carlo methods and abstract topological concepts.
Wave geometry and optical field theory
Focusing on the phenomena lurking between the domains of classical and quantum physics to expose the beautiful unifying mathematical ideas of asymptotics governing the behaviour of light, fluids and atoms.