Professor Catherine Kelly
BA/LLB (Hons) (A.N.U.), MSc(Oxon.), DPhil(Oxon.)
My research focuses on the law’s interaction with science and medicine in both historical and contemporary contexts. I have a particular interest in the history and regulation of the professions.
Current positions
Head of School
University of Bristol Law SchoolProfessor of Law and History
University of Bristol Law School
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Catherine Kelly is Professor of Law and History, and Head of School. She previously held the positions of School Education Director, Undergraduate Director, and Examinations Chair.
Her research focuses on law’s interaction with science and medicine in historical and contemporary contexts. In her historical work, she examines the ways in which laws relating to medicine and scientific innovation were made, applied and changed. Her work on current medical law focuses on professional regulation. Her monograph War and the Militarization of British Army Medicine, 1793-1830 was published in 2011. She has published widely in leading journals including: The Modern Law Review, The Cambridge Law Journal, The Law Quarterly Review, The Lancet, Legal History and Bulletin of the History of Medicine.
She has received a number of funding awards, including from the Wellcome Trust; the British Academy; the Australian Research Council; and the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute. She has held Fellowships at the National Maritime Museum, and the National Library of Australia. From 2005-2008 she held the Clifford Norton Fellowship in the History of Science at The Queen’s College, Oxford.
Catherine is currently supervising two PhD students. She is interested in supervising theses on legal history (especially related to medicine, science,and intellectual property) and on the regulation of the professions.
Catherine previously worked at the Universities of Western Australia and Oxford; The Australian Medical Association and at Herbert Smith Freehills (Sydney). She was the Chair for the Law Sub-Panel Slovak Republic Periodic Evaluation of Research; is a DQB Assessor for the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. She has a particular interest in the regulation of the professions and sits on the Faculty of Health Sciences Fitness to Practise Panel, and is a Lay Council member of the General Chiropractic Council
Her research focuses on law’s interaction with science and medicine in historical and contemporary contexts. In her historical work, she examines the ways in which laws relating to medicine and scientific innovation were made, applied and changed. Her work on current medical law focuses on professional regulation. Her monograph War and the Militarization of British Army Medicine, 1793-1830 was published in 2011. She has published widely in leading journals including: The Modern Law Review, The Cambridge Law Journal, The Law Quarterly Review, The Lancet, Legal History and Bulletin of the History of Medicine.
She has received a number of funding awards, including from the Wellcome Trust; the British Academy; the Australian Research Council; and the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute. She has held Fellowships at the National Maritime Museum, and the National Library of Australia. From 2005-2008 she held the Clifford Norton Fellowship in the History of Science at The Queen’s College, Oxford.
Catherine is currently supervising two PhD students. She is interested in supervising theses on legal history (especially related to medicine, science,and intellectual property) and on the regulation of the professions.
Catherine previously worked at the Universities of Western Australia and Oxford; The Australian Medical Association and at Herbert Smith Freehills (Sydney). She was the Chair for the Law Sub-Panel Slovak Republic Periodic Evaluation of Research; is a DQB Assessor for the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. She has a particular interest in the regulation of the professions and sits on the Faculty of Health Sciences Fitness to Practise Panel, and is a Lay Council member of the General Chiropractic Council
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
Colonial Innovation
Principal Investigator
This project will examine reward systems for scientific innovation and invention in the 18th and 19th centuries. It will use archival materials to demonstrate the existence of reward systems alongside…Managing organisational unit
University of Bristol Law SchoolDates
01/07/2019 to 01/09/2021
History of Psychiatric Injury in Tort
Principal Investigator
This is a detailed historical study of the law in this area, examining rarely considered first instance decisions and primary source material.Managing organisational unit
University of Bristol Law SchoolDates
01/07/2019 to 01/09/2022
Re-Imagining the Diary: Writing and well-being for ‘busy’ people
Principal Investigator
Re-imagining the Diary reflects on the past, present and future of diary-writing and its relation to what we now refer to as “well-being”, particularly how the diary as a form…Managing organisational unit
School of EducationDates
09/01/2019 to 30/06/2019
Law, Medicine and State Building in Britain’s Settler Colonies, 1780-1850
Principal Investigator
Law, Medicine and State Building in Britain’s Settler Colonies, 1780-1850, will examine the development of laws related to health in settler colonies and explore previously unexamined relationships of significance between…Managing organisational unit
University of Bristol Law SchoolDates
01/01/2017 to 01/09/2020
Recent publications
17/09/2024Time to Cut Ties
Torts on Three Continents
Time to Start De Novo
Tottel's Journal of Professional Negligence
Innovation Policy and Chronic Emergencies
Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law
‘In Our Daily Struggles’
Life Writing
Who’s Afraid of Imaginary Claims? Common Misunderstandings of the Origin of the Action for Pure Psychiatric Injury in Negligence 1888-1943
Law Quarterly Review
Law of Tort
Legal History
Law Governance and Health
Legal History
Law Governance and Health