Dr Benjamin King Sutton Woods
B.S. (Maryland), M.S. (Maryland), Ph.D (Maryland)
Current positions
Associate Professor of Aerospace Structures
School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering
Press and media
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Research interests
Dr. Woods is an Associate Professor in Aerospace Structures within the Bristol Composites Institute and School of Civil, Aerospace, and Design Engineering at Bristol University. He is an EPSRC Early Career Fellow and previously served as Coordinator of the SABRE H2020 Research Programme. His research focuses on the development of novel structural solutions to challenging problems in aerospace engineering. This includes a broad range of work on morphing and adaptive aerostructures, development of low cost, ultra-efficient wound composite truss structures, novel energy storage and actuation methods, and reusable composite tooling solutions. The research undertaken by Dr. Woods is concept driven and spans a range of disciplines including structures, aerodynamics, mechanics, kinematics, materials, optimization and design. He uses a variety of analytical, numerical, and experimental tools and techniques to guide technologies from initial conception through increasing levels of technology readiness with a constant view towards commercialization and real world use.
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
Adaptive Aerostructures for Power and Transportation Sustainability
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School of Civil, Aerospace and Design EngineeringDates
01/10/2020 to 30/09/2025
AdAPTS - Adaptive Aerostructures for Power and Transportation Sustainability
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
Department of Aerospace EngineeringDates
01/10/2020 to 30/09/2025
AdAPTS: Adaptive Aerostructures for Power and Transportation Sustainability
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
Department of Aerospace EngineeringDates
01/10/2020 to 30/09/2025
Principal Investigator
Shape Adaptive Blades for Rotorcraft Efficiency (SABRE) will develop ground-breaking new helicopter blade morphing technologies which will reduce helicopter fuel burn, CO2 and NOx emissions by 5-10%, while also reducing…Managing organisational unit
Department of Aerospace EngineeringDates
01/06/2017 to 30/11/2020
Thesis supervisions
Recent publications
01/01/2025Dynamic augmentation of geometrically nonlinear beams via guided axially elastic tendons
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
Parametric design studies of GATOR morphing fairings for folding wingtip joints
Smart Materials and Structures
Analysis of inertial gust load relief characteristics of high aspect ratio wings
Experimental Characterization of GATOR Morphing Aircraft Skins Under Combined in-plane and out-of-plane Loading
Systematic Experimental Evaluation of Aeroelastic Characteristics of a Highly Flexible Wing Demonstrator
AIAA Journal